Milan more and more Smart City with contactless ATM payments


Mauro Bellini

Smart cities use digital payments as a means of simplifying access to services and collecting data to determine the behavior and needs of travelers. The Smart City must break down the barriers, including technological ones, that still make access to services complex, but without giving up controls and security . The response to this demand continues to improve services precisely comes from digital payments, innovation that allows travelers to focus solely on travel and service and no longer on payment and the only payment. access.

This is the direction that chose to travel ATM Milano as following the example of other major cities in different parts of the world but united by the development of projects Smart City such as London, Singapore, Chicago, Moscan and Vancouver, has made available to users an innovative solution allowing to pay the ticket directly to the turnstile equipped with a point of sale dedicated to reading contactless cards.

The service begins on 4 subway lines with a coverage of more than 100 kilometers and more than 2000 trips a day and with this operation in addition to simplify the use of services yes reduced the u of paper transport tickets lowering the risk of error in price and allowing ATM Milano to go further in the process of digitizing service data .

at the service of intelligent mobility

A project that sees a team play between SIA, one of the benchmarks in Italy in terms of innovation on digital payments, banking infrastructure and technology for the world of finance, which has digital platform for this new service, which goes in the sense of providing companies operating in the public transport sector the opportunity to guarantee new and faster forms of transportation. access to service, ticket sales and custom pricing service used. So a smart service for a city that works on Smart City projects and brings benefits to the utility management society and especially to the citizens.

It was said team play and next to SIA the project saw the commitment of Aitek of Intesa Sanpaolo and Microsoft In this case the Needed intelligence to help mobility to become intelligent is also an 'artificial' intelligence and happens, through the dissemination of Internet devices of Things and intelligent intelligence and machine learning using the cloud computing

For the citizen: the best rate applicable to the travel route made

The SIA technology infrastructure allowed the connection of POS terminals present in the 113 Milan subway stations activating contactless payment services. This infrastructure allows the activation of payment circuits with Mastecard and Visa and integration with ATM systems in Milan to calculate rates. An ASA is therefore responsible for managing, authorizing, accounting for and reporting payment transactions in order to make the proposal available to the traveler at the best rate applicable to the route taken.

As said in the beginning digital payments are a vehicle, a facilitator of innovation, an excellent solution to simplify controlled access to services, but also a valuable source of data and Big Data to reflect to improve the flow, manage the loads in real time, to the prevention of the problems or disturbances, but also the real-time calculation of the terffe is a function of the journey carried out, relieving the traveler of all the worries. And this project saw the use of Microsoft badysis tools with Machine Learning such as SQL Server, Azure Analysis Services, Azure SQL Data Warehouse, Power BI and Azure Machine Learning. Thanks to these solutions, Microsoft ATM Milano has real-time data on services provided to citizens, which can be dynamically badyzed to badyze the performance of companies both to create advanced badysis models and finally develop predictive solutions on artificial intelligence to identify and intervene accurately on any critical issue and areas that can be improved.

Director in charge of the "vertical" titles of Digital360: Blockchain4Innovation, Digital Payments, Internet4Things, BigData4Innovation and Agrifood.Tech deals with the. digital innovation applied to the reality of businesses, public administrations and social organizations

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