Milan, Niccolò Bettarini stabbed. Simona Ventura and her ex-husband Stefano: "Our son is alive miraculously"


Niccolò, son of Simona Ventura and Stefano Bettarini was stabbed to death this morning in Via Alemagna, Milan, in front of the disco Old Fashion of Milan . The episode occurred shortly after five o'clock in the morning and the young man, aged 19, was transported to the hospital of Niguarda, in the Lombard capital. "Tonight, our son Nicholas was attacked by many people while he was trying to defend a friend.Luckily, the consequences are not serious, Niccolò is recovering quickly, a miracle seen the 11 strokes of Hoping that the perpetrators will soon be brought to justice, we would like to thank first and foremost the Milan Police Headquarters, the institutions and the wonderful first aid team of the Niguarda Hospital for "When the young man was saved, he was conscious he was hit by several stab wounds at the top of his body." At first, his condition seemed serious. but with admission to the hospital, the reserved prognosis as reported at the beginning was excluded.It is currently unclear whether the conflict started or inside the club. On the incident, they investigate agents of the Volante and Squadra Mobile who also listen to the boy's friends. "I wanted to rebadure everyone: my son Niccolò is not in danger of death". This is confirmed by mother Simona Ventura on Twitter about her son Niccolò Bettarini. Three men have already been arrested. It would be three Italian boys aged 30 and over, with a criminal record. The three were identified in the district Affori, in front of the church of Santa Giustina. For them, the charge of attempted murder would not have been taken, but only injuries, since no vital area has been affected. The reasons for the attack are still unknown

I wanted to rebadure everyone: my son Niccolò is not in danger of life

– Simona Ventura (@Simo_Ventura) July 1, 2018

The phone call to the forces of order came around 5. The 19 year old spent in the company of a group of friends, with them a few girls, at night in the club, but once he left he would be surrounded by more people a knife . A weapon that was not found by the police investigating the case. "They were animals" recounts one of the friends and witnesses heard on the premises of the police. His words and the vision of photos of possible suspects could shed light on an investigation that has few elements certain, starting with the wick that triggered the badault. After what happens, everything would have happened outside the room. "I do not know why the argument broke out, but they are fierce against the" Betta "- said a boy heard in the police premises – three of them seemed drugged, they were 30 or 40 years old, I hope that they would do years in prison.The attack took place in front of a night kiosk selling sandwiches a hundred meters from the disco. As soon as possible, the victim will be heard at the hospital Niccolò, is the first child of the former Ventura-Bettarini couple, before trying the football street to go to study and train in England , but recently he has approached the world of entertainment.

The quarrel that resulted in the injury would begin inside the room where the boy would intervene to defend a friend, the son of the child. a military Guardia di Finanza, attacked by other young people with whom he had quarreled a few weeks The local bouncers would have let them out and one of the attackers reportedly threatened with a knife or punch that would not be found yet, the friend of Battarini jr who has made contact with nine shots, in various parts of the body. The boy has suffered, in particular, from a tendon injury from one hand, but his condition does not bother him. The young man will be operated on in the coming days for the injury related to the nerve of the arm as the hospital of Niguarda knows. It has superficial skin lesions on the trunk, abdomen and upper extremity. "The conditions are not serious and the prognosis is however reserved, pending intervention ".


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