Milan, Sunday, it is the turn of Conti: he has 15-20 minutes in the legs, with Parma, he can participate in the race in progress


This time we are here. Very little lack. It's time for Andrea Conti to return to the field. According to today's edition of the Tuttosport newspaper, the Rossoneri feel ready and Sunday, during the match against San Siro against Parma, could play a few minutes, perhaps in the last race.

LAST STEP – Until now, former Atalantino has played 58 minutes with Primavera, so he can not start again from the beginning. Already against Lazio, however, Gattuso (himself admitted) thought to throw him into the fray in the last minutes. In short, after performing the general rehearsals with Mr. Lupi's youth and rebadured the game climate, Conti is ready for the final stage: return to the field in a Serie A match.

15-20 minutes – Too bad for the lack of registration on the UEFA list that would prevent him from playing in Europa League against Dudelange (but it was difficult, in fact, to provide a specific date for his return) . But with Parma, this could be the right time. To date, Conti has at most 15-20 minutes in the legs, so he could enter the last quarter of the race, especially if the match was taking place on favorable slopes for Milan.

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