Milan, young man found dead in a student room – Chronicle


Milan, July 4, 2018 – The corpse of a young man of 29 years in an advanced state of decomposition was found this morning around 9 in a in Milan, via Corridoni 22. C is the student residence "Galileo Galilei", a hotel house in use at the Polytechnic University . To revive the body was the housekeeper, who, on the occasion of an extraordinary service scheduled every 15 days, noticed the bad smell coming from the room. Then, opening the door, he then saw the scene. The young man has Cameroonian origins and was last seen a couple of weeks ago. The investigations are entrusted to Milan Squadra Mobile

According to an initial badessment of the coroner, the body shows no obvious sign of violence. The magistrate on duty ordered the autopsy to clarify the reasons for the death, but investigators believe that it could be a death for natural causes. None of the neighbors in the room noticed his disappearance or even the smell that came from the house. Practices are in progress to warn the boy's family.

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