"Minister Salvini, faith is not an election campaign"


"Salvini Retro Vade". Famiglia Cristiana moves everything and publishes a cover that strongly condemns the policy on migrants set up by the minister Matteo Salvini culminating in recent weeks with the closure of Italian ports to organizations' ships non-governmental badistance boats in the sea. "Unfortunate people who are crucified", Cardinal Gualtiero Bbadetti, president of Cei, defined them on July 11 in Florence

The issue on newsstands since July 26 n & # The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior did not like it and called it "bad taste".

Inside, the ratio of the number of migrants who continue to die in the Mediterranean (1490 from January to 18 July). "We want to reaffirm the Church's commitment against some contemptuous and non-evangelical tones". Interview with the publisher of the religious weekly, Antonio Rizzolo

What is the message of this cover?
"The message is to emphasize how the presidency of the Italian Bishops' Conference, many bishops from the North and the South, committed religious and laity react to some of the disparaging and aggressive tones used by the Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister. of the Interior with regard to the urgency of migrants. They contrast strongly with the Gospel and do not lead to anything good, but rather they arouse constructive prejudices and misunderstandings. "

Why did you decide to make it happen?"
"Because of the need for clear information, where facts, as subtitles of our key states, are never separated from values. There is a lot of confusion and a lot of superficiality that can have serious repercussions and that certainly do not help to solve such a serious emergency, which concerns not only Italy, but the whole world. "[19659006] It was also an answer to the call by Roberto Saviano?
"No, it was not the spring that pushed us. I repeat: our aim was to give a signal of clarity and emphasize the voice expressed by the Episcopal Conference, but also by Pope Francis, who called for the commitment of all to stop the horror of drowned. As Cardinal Montenegro says in his speech on Famiglia Cristiana the words of the Holy Father must be the compbad of every genuine believer on this problem. Cardinal Gualtiero Bbadetti, president of the CEI, rightly explained on July 11 in Florence: "You can not close the port when a ship arrives full of unfortunate people who are crucified".

How will your readers react?
"They should be fine if there was no misunderstanding about the reasons and the real issues of the article."

"Have you ever received any criticism?" "On our website come comments heated up, sometimes even insulting – a pity, in fact, a false value to our article and our cover title.I think it is appropriate to recall that only a few years ago we had published a wide-ranging interview with Di Maio, the minister of labor of this government, and even earlier, we published the minister of the family of the same party Salvini.In the same majority, as correctly reported in our article, there is very discordant voices to the Deputy Prime Minister on the issue of migrants. "

Minister Salvini Says Church Man: Is His Politics So?
" Certainly , the tones that he uses are not so and his attitude towards the urgency of the migrants is not.Those who believe should show some consistency with what is contained in the Holy Scriptures. "

The Crucifix in the Ports. Faith or Propaganda
"Whenever the symbols of faith are used inappropriately, or even to awaken the spirits against one part of the neighbor, there is exploitation but also some irresponsibility."

your cover "in bad taste" and stated that "even the catechism says that we must accept as much as possible".
"Vice President Salvini has a rather personal idea of ​​catechism, but also of the Gospel. All, according to the Word of God, we will be judged on the love of neighbor. On the other hand, it is not our responsibility to give lessons of good taste (nor to receive them), but to inform in the truth. The catechism says that we must welcome everyone, it is the cornerstone, then adds "to the possible". Of course, if you see someone dying, it's not impossible to help and then think about the reception, perhaps even involving other countries. "

How much does religion have to do with politics?"
"Faith belongs to God and to salvation, but also to daily life. This is not an election campaign, nor an ideology, but it calls us, as Vatican II and the encyclicals of the last Popes remind us, to be coherent and credible witnesses in all fields, therefore also in politics, without ever betraying the Word. God.

Will this government do any good for Italy?
"We all want it in the newsroom, that this government can do good in Italy. For the moment it is too early to evaluate the work. "


Marc Gasol:" Saving lives has nothing to do with politics "


In the eyes of Josephine, the drama del Mediterraneo


Migrants, "Salvini, there is a postcard (actually ten thousand) for you"

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