Moavero: on migrants "the EU has not shown his best skills"


"We never wrote that we would be removed from Sophia's mission", but "we are asking for a change in the rules of operation". This is the position of Foreign Minister Enzo Moavero Milanesi, reiterated at the Senate hearing on the outcome of the latest NATO summit in Brussels. On the management of yellow-green government migratory flows, the minister added: "The ports remained open, it is not that they closed and then reopened". An attack, then, to the EU: "He did not show his best skills."

"The EU has not shown his best skills"

terms of management and fight against immigration trafficking, said Moavero, "The European Union has not shown its best capabilities, and this is a euphemism." The flow of "Immigration" should be managed and in the best way, "he added, then he explained that he was in favor of a NATO that supported its members, but also stressed" the effort we try to stimulate with a discreet effort "on this point

" Do not allow other countries to escape their duty. to help "

Still talking about the theme of migrants, Moavero said that" the commitment to humanitarian relief is part of our country's republican values ​​and international duties. But we can no longer allow other countries to evade their duty to help and open ports to people who are looking for Europe, not a specific country. " "This – he added – is the unanimous position of the government." Regarding Sophia's mission, which Italy asks to change, the minister reiterated: "We no longer find it justifiable that the people saved in Sophia's mission all are introduced in Italian ports. The condition is that there is the accession of other member countries, especially those in the central Mediterranean. "

Rebalancing of the Atlantic Alliance from East to South

With regard to the NATO Summit, which was held in Brussels on the 11th and 12th July, mentions among the main results "the rebalancing of the attention of the Alliance from the traditional dimension to the east and south." he added – that there is a perception the different challenges and problems between the East and the Mediterranean countries. "" The East / South rebalancing – he stressed – is very transporting. "The" tangible "sign of this rebalancing, has he said, is the strengthening of the center of Naples, the so-called NATO hub for the southern front, inaugurated last year