The Chinese scientist, who had strongly criticized the birth of twins whose DNA was altered, announced the suspension of experiments. "I have to apologize for the unexpected spread of the results," said He Jiankui, during the hearing of a conference in Hong Kong, stressing that "the clinical trial had been halted because of the current situation ".
He Jiankui apologized for revealing the discovery but defended his project. And he also announced that "another potential pregnancy" made with modified gene embryos is in its initial phase.
Speaking at the Human Genome Publishing Summit, conference held in Hong Kong on DNA abnormalities, the scientist revealed that "the study had been submitted to a review for review ", without specifying the type of magazine, and confirmed that the Southern University of Science and Technology in Shenzhen, in southeastern China, where he worked until last February, before the beginning of the period of leave without pay, was not aware of the study that he was leading. He then defended his research, which he described as "proud" and which, according to him, can protect the two girls, Lulu and Nana, according to the whimsical names they were given, by contracting the HIV virus. causing "AIDS. The Chinese scientist explained in a video the methodology, known in the medical field as Crispr-Cas9 for the modification of DNA, which has aroused much criticism from Chinese scientists themselves, whose 122 denounced opening a "Pandora's box" to close "before it's too late".
The National Health Commission and the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology also opened investigations into the statements of the Shenzhen researcher: Deputy Minister Xu Nanping said he was "shocked" by the statements from the Associate Professor, recalling that such experiences have been banned in China since 2003.
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