Monday of "fiscal engorgement": in the coffers of the state 19.2 billion


The Cgia di Mestre: "It will be a real stress
test that will test the financial hardship of many small and micro enterprises "

Mondays are hard for everyone, but it's especially true for businesses that are facing a real "traffic jam." The calendar had set deadlines for Saturday, June 30, but being a day before the holidays, everything is postponed until June 2. The contractors thus had two more days to recover the necessary liquidity to honor the demands of the tax authorities. A significant problem, since the economic amount to pay is extremely demanding. A total of 19.2 billion euros is allocated to public funds 19.29 billion

The study office of Cgia di Mestre reports, in a press release, that between the payment of the balance of 2017 and the first payment year, the companies are called to pay the Ires (Tax on corporate income of capital cities), while the self-employed and other income have to pay the Irpef and the regional and municipal additional Irpef. In addition, all contractors are required to pay the balance of last year and the IRAP (Regional Tax on Productive Activities) this year as well as the registration for the year 2018 from chambers of commerce.

"It will not be easy," says the coordinator of the Cgia's Studies Office, Paolo Zabeo, "to overcome fiscal inertia early in the summer. Monday will be This will prove the financial stability of many small and micro-businesses that are traditionally undercapitalized and short of liquidity.We hope that in a relatively short time the new government will drastically reduce taxes and will decide to distribute the tax deadline for the whole year, however, they continue unreasonably to focus especially in June and November ". This year, the tax legislation, again reminiscent of the Cgia de Mestre, still allows to pay taxes before August 20, with an increase of 0.40 percent in the payment of interest.

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