"Money League seized everywhere"


"Wherever it is found" any amount of money attributable to the Northern League – on bank accounts, pbadbooks, deposits – must be seized up to 49 million euros, the produced fraud in the state for which he was sentenced in the first instance the former League leader Umberto Bossi. The Cbadation underlines this in the reasons that welcome the appeal of Genoa's prosecutor against Matteo Salvini contrary to the carpet seizures. The review must now follow the indications of the Hermellinì. So far blocked 1.5 million euros

In the opinion of the highest magistrates, the Guardia di Finanza can proceed to the blocking of Lega accounts under the seizure decree issued on 4 September by the prosecutor of Genoa, without it being necessary a new provision for all the sums found on the accounts in the moments subsequent to the decree. On the contrary, according to Giovanni Ponti, Lega's lawyer, the only sums that can be seized are those appearing on the accounts "at the time of execution of the seizure" with "consequential inadmissibility of the prosecutor's requests to proceed". seizure of sums deposited ". According to the defense of the League, the prosecutor could only request the confiscation of "future sums" during the appeal process.

But the Supreme Court objected that the money of the accounts might not have been found at the time of the decree. transient or reversible impossibility ", and the public prosecutor's office does not have to account for all the investigations carried out" otherwise the precautionary function of the seizure could easily be avoided for the time necessary for their realization ".

"We are surprised to learn from agencies, even before the Court of Cbadation, the reasons for punishment that should continue the seizure were related to 48 million euros in electoral reimbursements". to be that the effectiveness of Lega government action annoys anyone, but they will not stop us like that. "This is how Giulio Centemero, member of the Lega and party administrator. Aware of the total transparency and honesty with which we managed the movement – adds Centemero – with financial statements certified by outside companies, and not having secret accounts abroad but only a few reads to the bank considering the seizures already made bring 10 cents cents to the court of Genoa all that we collected as offers of retirees, students and workers at the meeting of Pontida.Maybe the effectiveness of l & # 39; Action of the Lega government annoys everyone, but they will not stop us then, "he concludes.

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