Monsanto process for glyphosate: $ 68 million reduction for the gardener with cancer


Dewayne Johnson was the first among thousands of plaintiffs to bring to justice and convict the giant of agrochemistry, responsible, at this stage for the judges, to have deprived of the right to see their two children grow up, aged 10 and up 13 years. The court recognized the carcinogenicity of the glyphosate contained in Roundup and in the product brother Ranger Pro, which the gardener sprayed with to protect them from weeds outside the schools he was the guardian and gardener in Benicia, in the region of Bay.

Bayer announced that he wanted appeal of the sentence. The German group has until December 7 to accept the total fine of $ 78.6 million, said Judge Suzanne Ramos Bolanos, but if Johnson does not agree to compensation, Bayer will have to make facing a new trial. According to Bayer, glyphosate products have been used safely and successfully worldwide for 40 years and are a valuable tool in helping farmers to act sustainably for the environment by reducing soil tillage. , erosion. soil and CO2 emission. Glyphosate products, based on extensive research involving more than 800 rigorous studies required for EPA registrations, from Europe and other jurisdictions, are therefore safe if used as prescribed. In addition, an independent study conducted by the National Cancer Institute in 2018 showed that there was no badociation between glyphosate-based herbicides and cancer, concluding the report. EPA itself in 2017, concludes Bayer.

Every year thanks to the most used herbicide in the world, launched in the mid-seventies, more than 4 billion dollars enter the houses of the multinational. After the confirmation of the conviction Bayer has collapsed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. The title leaves more than 8% to 70.53 euros on the ground.

In Italy, the use of glyphosate is prohibited – recalls Coldiretti – in areas frequented by the population or by vulnerable groups such as parks, gardens, sports and leisure grounds, children's playgrounds, courtyards and green spaces in school complexes and health facilities, but also before harvest only in order to optimize harvesting or threshing according to the decree of the Ministry of Health in force since August 22, 2016.

October 23, 2018 (Amendment October 23, 2018 | 17:39)


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