More substitutes than assumptions because of the chaos of retirement


MIUR – as you know – has not yet formalized the contingent of posts to be attributed to immissions in the role 2018-2019 ; according to our estimates, and those of the unions, the vacant seats to date are greater than 70 thousand however for budgetary matters and for the problem related to retirement only a part of those will be stabilized and badigned by the slippage of the GaE (50%) and the ranking of the merits of the competition to the president of 2016.

And it is this last problem to keep the bank in these days: how many of you will know, in fact, it is the first year that the verification of the requirements for retirement was entrusted to INPS which will have to supplement the proceedings by 30 August 2018 to ensure that the teachers concerned are retired as of 1 September 2018.

The problem is that this year there was a real retirement boom for the school, more than 25 thousand requests if you only count the teacher. In this regard, the Minister of Education – Marco Bussetti confirmed that there is currently a real task force between the MIUR and the INPS to complete the verification of the contribution requirements of the teachers and ATAs within the time limit mentioned above, but it can not be excluded that some will remain excluded.

What would happen in this case? Unfortunately, excluded teachers will be forced to work one more year and will have to wait. . 2019-2020 to receive the accumulated pension. A disturbing scenario, that the Minister of Education is doing everything to avoid

Another possible solution – as reported by the FLC CGIL secretariat – could be to apply to them the same system adapted to Ape Sociale allowing them to stop working anyway by receiving a retirement loan for one year.

While waiting to understand what will happen to these future retirees, however, there is certainty: this thorny situation will have impact on immissions in the role with the quota available for recruitment that will be reduced compared to previous years

Free places 2018-2019: because substitutes will be more than recruitment

According to the union Anief between free places after the mobility operations and requests of transfers we could proceed to the stabilization of 70 thousand Chairs for the next scholastic year astico

However, this is not possible: the MIUR, indeed, will formalize the quota with the places 2018-2019 as of end of July or when the question of retirement will not be defined yet

The places that will be released at the time of the publication of the quota can not be not be counted but they will have to stay out; this means that all places left free from retirement – if allowed in the period from quota authorization until August 31, 2018 – will remain vacant and can only be awarded by contract of annual supplement ] expiring 31 August.

So, despite the problem you have known for years, the Italian school system is still far from a solution; In fact, given what has just been said, it is possible that next year, the number of professors badigned under fixed-term contracts will be much higher.

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