"More than 100 thousand euros, 1 out of 2 does not pay"


The scrapping of tax records in its first edition, brought more money than expected into the state coffers, even though 50 percent of cardholders more than 100 thousand euros, in the end, did not pay his debt to the tax authorities. The Agency of Revenue through its director Ernesto Maria Ruffini, published the first data on the "facilitated definition" that highlight the success of the initiative, despite some Conflicting data is the spy that there is still much to be done on the front of tax evasion [VIDEO]. And in this regard, the same director advocated the introduction of the bill electronic considered a valid preventive instrument

Despite the demolition, a large debtor out of two does not pay

Data on the progress of the scrapping of files was presented by the Director of the Agency during his hearing before the House Finance Committee. In his report, Ruffini reported that since the first edition of the definition facilitated have been recovered, thanks to the accession of a million taxpayers, 8 , 2 billion euros, one more than expected. From the in-depth badysis of the data, it appears that 86% of citizens who had a tax debt of 10,000 euros actually paid the amount owed. The percentage of those who have fulfilled their obligations falls to 77% in the case of debts between 10,000 and 50,000 euros, and even to 56% for those whose debt exceeds 100,000 euros .

In practice, one out of every two tax evaders still does not pay, despite amnesty amounts arising from penalties and late interest. However, positive data concerning the recovery of the amounts evaded, which should be even more favorable from scrapped bis to which, again according to the data presented by Ruffini to the Commission, 950 thousand taxpayers who could an estimated amount of about 9 billion euros will flow into the coffers of the state

The electronic invoice: "necessary prevention instrument";

The presentation of the report on the demolition was an opportunity for the President of the Inland Revenue, to reiterate the necessary introduction of the electronic bill whose 39 entry into force should begin on 1 January 2019. The use of the electronic bill will result, according to Ruffini, an inevitable reduction of tax evasion and, in relation with the protests of many categories interested in the provision, including that of the service stations [VIDEO] who came to threaten a strike for a postponement, suggested a gradual application of the sanctions baduming an exemption for the first two months, then rising to 50% and 75% thereafter, until arriving at the scheme in October not to "scare" the interested parties.

This article has been verified with:

  • https://www.corriere.it/economia/18_luglio_04/rottamazione-cartelle-sopra-100mila-euro-non-paga-su-due-6ee54d2c-7f96-11e8-8b30-21507ef7c055_preview.shtml?reason=unauthenticated&cat = 1 & cid = JDCkKCeF & pid = FR & origin = http% 3A% 2F% 2Fwww.corriere.it 2Feconomia %%% 2F18_luglio_04 2Frottamazione-files-over-100 thousand euros on-no-pay-two 6ee54d2c-7f96-11e8- 8b30-21507ef7c055 .shtml
  • http://www.ilsole24ore.com/art/news/2018-07-04/rottamazione-sopra-100mila-euro-non-paga-su-due-154155.shtml?uuid= AEZefsGF; https://economia.ilmessaggero.it/economia_e_finanza/fisco_rottamazione_bis_4_milioni_cartelle-3836424.html

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