Moscovici and the Italian maneuver: "Sanctions are always a failure We hope for a shared solution"


"I have never been in favor of sanctions, I think the sanctions are still a failure," said the European Commissioner for Economic Affairs, Pierre Moscovici, about the Italian maneuver at a conference of press in Paris. "I have always been a Commissioner for flexibility – added Moscovici – and open to dialogue between Rome and Brussels, linked to Italy which remains at the center of the eurozone". Moscovici stressed how for Italy "the door remains open, the hand extended, we must seek with all our strength common solutions in the interest of the Italians and the euro area," said the Commissioner. The procedure of infringement against Italy? "At present, with regard to the debt, it would be necessary …". But "we are not there yet", the dialogue with the Italian authorities "will continue" until the end.

Salvini: no new documents from the EU

At the same time, Deputy Prime Minister Salvini said there would be no update of the maneuver to be presented in Brussels and no new document has been sent by the government to the EU: "Parliament will have to approve the maneuver – said the minister – and it would be at least ungenerous for anyone in Europe to take sanctions before the maneuver exists." We are not a monarchy, but a parliamentary republic, there are hundreds of proposals for parliamentarians and as long as it does not pbad the Parliament, the maneuver does not exist ".

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Time and issues

Back in Moscovici, the Commissioner explains that the Member States now have one week to "decide whether to initiate" the European executive's recommendations on the Italian maneuver, even if "I do not not doubt that they would confirm it ". "In this case – he said – there would be a new recommendation" in Italy. For Moscovici, "the closer we get to the deadline, the more fundamental the dialogue becomes". The approximation of budgetary rules between Rome and Brussels is "possible and necessary". However, Moscovici did not want to comment on rumors in the press that a 2% deficit-to-GDP ratio would be the "red line" in Brussels. "It is not a matter of giving figures, of citing this or that other decimal … Or we get closer to the rules or we can not …". And again: "The interest of all is that rules are respected, there are no stupid or rigid rules, they are flexible rules and we are ready to show all possible flexibility".

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Saturday meeting

The meeting last Saturday in Brussels with the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and the Minister of Economy, Giovanni Tria, took place in a "useful" climate, constructive, friendly and relaxed ", Moscovici confirmed, noting in particular that the meeting had made it possible" to better understand each other and to try to progress together ".

The risk for Italy

But what is the climate in Europe? Moscovici summarized the global trade tensions, the Brexit and the Italian maneuver, which constitute the three "uncertainties" which weigh on Europe. The EU official then pointed out that, compared to the three main conclusions of the Italian maneuver on the Italian maneuver – Italy – Growth, deficit, debt – they have not found an answer, "he said. he added. "We continue to think that the Italian maneuver carries risks for companies, investors and Italian citizens. This risk has a name: it is called debt at 130% of GDP.

27 November 2018 (amending 27 November 2018 | 11:31)


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