Motorcycle, Confindustria Ancma: registrations in June -5.8% | The Prealpina



1. Name of the site, property of the domain name. Definitions

1.1 These General Conditions of Sale ("Terms") govern the offer and sale of products as defined below, through the website www.prealpina. (later also "Site") by the Società Editoriale Varesina Spa, with registered office at (21100) Varese, Via Tamagno, 13, (CF and P.Iva 00237060124) (later also "SEV" or "Seller" ").

1.2 The Site belongs to SEV, while the owner of the corresponding domain name is La Prealpina Srl, with registered office at (21100) Varese, Via Tamagno, 13 years old, CF and VAT number 01620270122. [19659002] 2. Scope of application of these Conditions

2.1 The offer and sale of goods offered for sale on the Site (hereinafter also the " Product / s " ) Constitute a distance contract governed by Chapter I, Title III (Articles 45 et seq.) Of Legislative Decree of 6 September 2005, n. 206 (" Code of Consumption ") and Legislative Decree of 9 April 2003, n. 70, containing the regulation of electronic commerce

2.2 These general conditions of sale apply to all contracts concluded with S.e.v. through the Site (hereinafter the "Agreement / s").

2.3 These General Conditions of Sale may be modified at any time. Any modification and / or new condition will come into force as soon as they are published on the Site, Users are therefore invited to regularly access the Site and to consult, before any purchase, the most up-to-date version of the General Terms of Sale.

2.4 The General Terms and Conditions of Sale applicable are those in force on the date of the sending of the Order and are available in Italian.

2.5 These Terms and Conditions Sales do not regulate the sale of products by parties other than SEV present on the Site through links, banners or other hypertext links. Before making commercial transactions with these subjects, the user is therefore obliged to check the terms of sale adopted by them. SEV is not responsible for the provision of services and / or the sale of products by these subjects. On the websites available via these links, the Seller does not carry out any control and / or follow-up. SEV is therefore not responsible for the content of these sites, nor for errors and / or omissions and / or violations of the law by the same.

2.6 The user must read carefully the present General Conditions of Sale which, SEV, makes available to the page of the Site indicated in the clause 2.3) above and of which it is allowed the storage and the reproduction, as well as any other information that the Seller provides to the Site, before and during the purchase procedure.

3. Identification of the Seller

3.1 The Products purchased on the Site are offered, distributed and sold by SEV, which is therefore the sole consideration of the user who intends to purchase a or more Products through the Site and is therefore:

(i) the subject to whom, the user, directs his order in order to accept the offer and enter into the Agreement;

(ii) the subject that he badumes, in the user, the pre-contractual obligations arising from the offer,

(iii) the subject who concludes, with the user , the contract, baduming the obligations and relative rights. The contract concluded via the website must therefore be considered as concluded between the user and SEV.

4. Purchases on the Site

4.1 The purchase of the Products on the Site is subject to registration, in accordance with clause 5) below, and is authorized both to consumers (hereinafter "Consumers"). ""), Which to professionals (later also "Professionals"), as defined in Article 3, first paragraph, letters a) and c) of the Consumer Code. buy only on condition of having completed eighteen years

4.2 the seller reserves the right to refuse or cancel orders that come from:

(i ) by a user with whom he has an ongoing dispute,

(ii) by a user who has previously violated these Terms and / or Conditions and / or Conditions of the Contract with SEV;

(iii) by a a user who has been involved in fraud of any kind and, in particular, in credit card fraud;

(iv) users who have issued a false, incomplete or otherwise inaccurate.

5. Registration on the website

5.1 Registration on the website is free. To register on the Site, the user must fill out the appropriate form in the "Create a new account" section of the site by entering his name, first name, address, date of birth, e-mail address and e-mail address. -mail and a pbadword. [Crea un Account]

5.2 The inscription on the Site, through the opening of a personal account named " My Account ", allows the registered user (hereinafter also "Registered User"), from:

– save and modify your data;

– access all information concerning orders and returns;

– track the status of the order;

– manage personal data and update them at any time;

– use dedicated services that may be activated by the seller from time to time;

– explicit consent to the processing of personal data for sending by SEV, the letter of information.

5.3 The address o the e-mails and the pbadword indicated by the user when registering on the site (also the "identification information") must be kept with the utmost care and attention. They can only be used by the user and can not be transferred, without the prior agreement of the latter, to third parties. The user therefore undertakes to keep them secret and to ensure that no third party has access to them. The latter also undertakes to inform SEV immediately in the event that he suspects, or becomes aware of, improper use or disclosure of the same.

5.4 Registered User warrants that the personal information provided during the registration process on the Site is complete and truthful and undertakes to keep the Seller unharmed and free from any damage, obligation to reimbursement and / or sanction arising from and / or in any way related to the violation of the rules of registration on the website or storage of identification information.

6. Information for the conclusion of the contract

6.1 In accordance with the Legislative Decree of 9 April 2003, n. 70 establishing provisions on electronic commerce, SEV informs the user that:

(i) to conclude the contract of purchase of one or more Products on the Site, the user must complete the order in electronic format and send it to SEV electronically, following the instructions that will appear from time to time on the Site (hereinafter also the "Order / s");

(ii) the Agreement is made when the Order reaches the server that SEV uses,

(iii) before proceeding with the transmission of the Order, the user will be able to identify and correct any error in the data entry by following the instructions on the Site or by modifying the Order itself

(iv) following the transmission of the Order relating to one or more Products, l & # 39; The user can modify his order by accessing the area " My Orders " and following the instructions of the Site, until, in the predicted zone, it will not be indicated that the order and it is no longer modifiable, since the product is being prepared for shipment, made in all cases except for the right of withdrawal in accordance with clause n. 16. below:

(v) Once the Order has been registered, the Seller will send to the user, at the indicated e-mail address, the confirmation of the Order (hereinafter also " Confirmation of Order ") containing: a hypertext link (hereinafter" link ") with the present general terms of sale published on the Site and applicable to the Contract, information on the essential characteristics of the Product purchased, the detailed indication of the price, the means of payment used, the delivery charges and any additional costs, as well as information on the right of withdrawal;

(vi) the Order will be stored in the Seller's database for the time necessary for its performance; However, in terms of law. The essential elements of the Order will be indicated in the order confirmation. The Registered User can also access his purchase order, by consulting the section " My Orders " on the Site.

6.2 The language available to users for the conclusion of the contract is Italian. The seller's customer service is able to communicate with users in the same language.

7. Product Information and Availability.

7.1 The Products on the Site are available and available for purchase until exhausted: only orders can be accepted within the limits set by the quantity of products available.

7.2 The Products offered on the Site are those listed in the section of the Site entitled "STORE" at the time the Order is made by the user.

7.3 The availability of products on the site is monitored and updated constantly. However, due to simultaneous purchases on the Site, it is possible, for technical reasons, that the Product, even if it is accompanied by the wording "Available" results, after the transmission of the Order, not immediately available.

7.4 If the Product is no longer available for the reasons indicated in paragraph 7.3 above, or in other cases of unavailability of the Product, without prejudice to the rights badigned to the user by law, and in particular by Chapter XIV of Title II of Book IV of the Civil Code, SEV will immediately inform you by e-mail. In such cases, the user will then have the right to immediately terminate the contract, with the exception of the right to compensation for damages, in accordance with and for the purposes of the provisions of the art. 61, IV and V, of the Consumer Code. Alternatively and without prejudice to this right, the user may accept any of the following Seller's proposals:

(i) Whenever a rebadortment of the Product is possible, an extension of the terms of the delivery, with indication by SEV of the new delivery time of the product back to back

ii) if a rebadortment of the product is not possible, the supply of a different product, of a value equivalent or higher, after payment, in the latter case, of the difference acceptance of the user. The latter is required to promptly communicate his choice to the seller when he is contacted by the customer's badistance.

7.5 In the event that the user makes use of the right of rescission in accordance with art. 61, IV and V paragraph, Consumption Code and payment of the total amount due, consisting of the price of the product, delivery charges, if any, and any additional costs, resulting from the order itself (hereinafter after also " Amount due total ") has already occurred, SEV will refund the Total Amount due without undue delay and, in any case, within 15 (fifteen) working days from the date of the payment. sending the Order

7.6 The amount of the reimbursement referred to in clause n. 7.5 above, will be communicated to the user by e-mail. In the case of a payment by credit card, the total amount due will be credited on the same payment method as that used by the user for the purchase. Possible credit delays may depend on the bank, the type of credit card or the payment solution used.

7.7 In the case of orders relating to a plurality of goods (hereinafter " Multiple Order "), if the unavailability occurs only for some of the Products covered by the Multiple Order, without prejudice to the rights granted to the user by law and, in particular, by Chapter XIV of Title II of Book IV of the Civil Code and, without prejudice to the law. application of clauses 7.4 and 7.5 above, if the unavailability of the goods concerns all Products covered by the Order, the Seller will immediately inform the user by e-mail.

7.8 In the cases indicated in the preceding clause, the user shall have the right to immediately terminate the Contract, limited to the Product and / or the Products that have become unavailable, subject to the right to compensation for damages. , in accordance with and for the application of the provisions of art. 61, fourth and fifth paragraphs, of the Consumer Code. Alternatively and without prejudice to this right, the user may accept any of the following SEV proposals:

(i) if it is possible to rebadign the Products subject to the Multiple Order unavailable, a extension of the delivery terms in relation to these Products, with indication of the new delivery time thereof,

(ii) if it is not possible that a rebadortment of the Product and / or the Products becomes unavailable, the supply, instead of the object Products of the Multiple Order becomes unavailable, different products, of equal or greater value, upon payment, in the latter case, of the difference and upon express acceptance of the user. The latter is required to promptly communicate his choice to SEV. when he will be contacted by the customer service of the latter

7.9 In the event that the user makes use of the right of resolution referred to in art. 61, IV and V comma, consumer code, the contract regarding the product and / or products become unavailable will be partially resolved, limited to this product / s with the consequent return, if already paid, of the amount due in connection with such Products and any other additional costs due in connection with specific Products (hereinafter also " Partial Amount due "); Multiple Order resolution will only be possible in the case of the obvious and proven accessory nature of the Multiple Order Products object that becomes unavailable compared to other Products of the Multiple Order. Multiple order available.

7.10 Partially Due to (s) unavailable product (s), the item will be refunded without undue delay to the user and, in any case, within 15 (fifteen) working days from the sending of the Order. The refund amount will be communicated to the user via e-mail. In the case of a credit card payment, this amount will be credited on the same payment method as the one used by the user for the purchase. Possible delays in the credit allocation can depend on the bank, the type of credit card or the payment solution used.

8. Price

8.1 Prices are given in Euro (€) and include value-added tax (VAT) in force

8.2 For purchase purposes the price displayed must be considered valid at the time of registration of the Order: for this, in case of decline in value, the user will not perceive any difference on what has already been paid.

8.3 SEV reserves the right to change prices at any time. Finally, the prices listed on the product sheet should not be considered as including the shipping costs, which the user will find indicated on the Site.


9.1 Once the registration procedure referred to in clause 5 above has been completed, the user must select one or more Products for which he intends to proceed. Purchase, by inserting them into a virtual "basket", from which it will always be able to view the contents before proceeding with the transmission of the Order.

9.2 By clicking on the button "Go to the Cashier" on the page of the site "Basket", the user will launch the procedure of transmission of the order. In the formulation phase of the Order and up to its actual routing, the user will however have the opportunity to review the data entered by clicking on the "Back" button, in order to identify and correct any incorrect information.

9.3 By clicking on the button "Order now", at the end of the procedure initiated under clause 9.2 above, the user will transmit the Order to the Seller. The redirection of the Order by the user will be promptly confirmed by SEV regarding the receipt of the Order, by sending an e-mail to the e-mail account communicated by the user. By sending this e-mail, the seller will also inform the user if the order can be accepted or not (later also " Order Confirmation "). [19659002] 9.4 SEV will have the right to accept or not orders received without, in case of non-acceptance, the user may advance rights or claims against the seller for any reason. The Order will be deemed, in any case, accepted and therefore the Contract concluded at the moment the user will receive, on his e-mail address, the Order Confirmation.

9.5 In case of payment by credit card or bank transfer, SEV will deliver the Products only after receiving confirmation of the successful payment of the Total Amount Due.

9.6 The ownership of the Products will be transferred to the user at the time of shipment, ie the time of delivery of the Product to the carrier (hereinafter also " Shipping] "). The risk of loss or damage to the Products, for reasons not attributable to SEV, shall however be considered as transferred to the User, where the latter, or a third party designated and different from the carrier, physically enters into products. [19659002]

10. Methods of payment

10.1 The following payment methods are available: Credit card and bank transfer. In order for the purchase on the Site to be successful, it is necessary that the user confirms the acceptance of the cookies.

10.2 Credit Card: the Site accepts payments with CartaSi, Visa, VisaElectron, PostePay and Mastercard. Before proceeding with the purchase, it is necessary to check with the issuing bank that the card is activated for online purchases. Do not forget to enter all the data correctly and have the pbadword of the Verified By Visa and SecurCode by Mastercard security circuits. depending on the credit card used. By choosing payment by credit card, the amount is charged directly to the card at the time of acceptance of the order.

10.3 The use of a credit card for online shopping is convenient and secure. The Site undertakes to maintain the security of information regarding both credit cards and personal data through the KeyClient solution. All sensitive data is encrypted during transmission with SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) technology adopted worldwide as the most secure. All data is then stored in secure servers and away from possible internet connections. However, it remains the responsibility of the user to verify that his browser is compatible with SSL technology to complete the order.

10.4 Bank Transfer: The user must make the transfer within a period of 3 (three) days from the date of the Order. In the event that this does not occur, the Order will be canceled and the Products made available for purchase by other Customers. The user who has not made the transfer can be contacted by the seller's customer service to clarify if the cause of the credit default is attributable to the user's desire not to confirm the Purchase, or some other cause. [19659002] Data for bank transfer:

IBAN: IT 85 D 03069 22805 1000 0000 1490

Reason: The user must enter in the reason for transfer the date and order number , available in the Order Confirmation.

11. Payment at one of the collection points with money, credit card, debit card

11.1 In case the user chooses, as a way of delivering the products , delivery to one of the collection points indicated in article 15 following, the payment of the Products can be made, at the time of the collection, at the time of the withdrawal in cash, by credit card or by debit card. Credit cards that can be used are MasterCard, Visa and PagoBancomat.

11.2 The product will be delivered only if the person making the withdrawal is also the holder of the credit card to be used for payment.

12. Billing

12.1 The commercial invoice will be available by accessing the "My Account" area on the Site, ie it will be sent in PDF format at the request of the # 39; user. Therefore, during the purchase process, the user will have to provide the data for billing.

12.2 For the issuance of the invoice, the information provided by the user will be used. declares and guarantees to be sensitive to the truth, releasing SEV each and more extensive exemptions in this regard.

13. Schedules and Delivery Methods

13.1 The delivery of the Products purchased on the Site takes place in Italy and abroad at the delivery address indicated by the user, in the Order and is to the latter is invoiced according to the rates indicated in the section "Fees and delivery times" of the website

13.2 All the information necessary for the delivery must be indicated, by l & # 39; user, accurately. SEV is therefore not responsible for non-delivery due to a delivery address or incorrect phone number. In this case, any additional charges resulting from delivery or non-delivery complications will be charged directly to the user.

13.3 In the summary of the Order and, therefore, before the user proceeds to the transmission of the same, the total price of the order will be indicated, with separate indication of the delivery charges and any other additional expenses. This total, which will be indicated to the user in the order confirmation e-mail, will constitute the total amount owed by the user in relation to the Product (s).

13.4 Delivery of Products purchased on the Site may be made at the option of the user: i) the postal address specified by the user in the Order ("Delivery to the Home ") or ii) at one of the withdrawal points in accordance with the following clause selected by the user during the process of purchase (" delivery to the pickup point ") In the latter case, the delivery must be considered free

14. Delivery to the home.

14.1 In the case of home delivery, products purchased on the site will be sent and delivered to the postal address indicated by the user in the order by mail designated by the seller or via Poste Italiane. 14.2 The user takes to consider that the withdrawal of the product is a specific obligation arising from the contract. Therefore, if the delivery is not successful due to the absence of the recipient or because of the latter attributable to the latter, the contract may be considered terminated by operation of law, in accordance with and for the purposes of art. 1456 cc, when the user does not provide for the withdrawal of the product within 7 (seven) calendar days from the second day after the notice of pbadage of mail or, in case of delivery by Poste Italiane, in 30 calendar days from the second day following the attempted delivery by the person to whom it was entrusted.

14.3 Following the lifting of the rights referred to in clause 14.2 above, SEV will be required to reimburse the user the total amount owed if the user has already paid, net of unsuccessful delivery charges, storage charges, return charges and any other expenses in which it is incurred due to non-delivery due to the absence of the recipient who will, in any case, quantified by the same SEV

14.4 The seller badumes no responsibility for the delay in the delivery of goods, caused by a malfunction of the postal service and / or the courier service and / or in case of force majeure such as natural events, strikes, traffic jams and particular peak periods.

14.5 The delivered products do not conform to what is ordered by the nature, the quality or the quantity, the user is entitled to report the defect within 14 (fourteen) days following the receipt of the goods.

15. Delivery to a Collection Point

15.1 At the option of the user, purchased products may be delivered to one of the collection points activated by the vendor ("Pick-up Point" or "Pick-up Point"). , plural, "Points of Withdrawal") detailed in the Internet address

15.2 If the user intends to choose the method of delivery provided in clause 15.1 it precedes, likewise, will have to select, during the purchase procedure, the option "pickup at collection point" and choose the pickup point to which he wishes that the delivery takes place. For each pickup point, the address, phone number and opening hours are indicated

15.3 The product can be picked up by the user from Monday to Friday, in the opening hours of the withdrawal point, excluding national holidays. In the case of a prepaid order, to withdraw the Product, the user must provide the Support Point with the order number and present an identity document upon request. In the case of an Order with payment to be made at the point of collection at the Withdrawal Point, the user must indicate the Order number, provide an identity document and arrange the payment by one of the methods. indicated in clause n. 11. which precedes. If you can not personally collect the user, you can delegate a third party in writing. The agent must be accompanied by a copy of the identity document of the user and the delegated person, as well as the indication of the purchase order number.

15.4 The user has the obligation to collect the product within 7 (seven) days of receipt of the order confirmation. If the user does not fulfill this obligation, the contract may be considered terminated ipso jure, in accordance with and for the purposes of the art. 1456 c.c .. As a result of the resolution, the order will be canceled and SEV will proceed to the refund of the total amount due, if it has already been paid by the user.

16. Right of withdrawal

16.1 Sales of products on the Internet are governed by Legislative Decree 206/2005 (Consumer Code) and Legislative Decree of 21 February 2014, no. 21, which implements the Consumer Rights Directive 2011/83 / EU

The user has the right to terminate the contract, return the purchased product and obtain reimbursement of all expenses incurred.

the purchase of goods, the consumer has a period of 14 (fourteen) days from the moment he acquires physical possession of the property.

16.2 The user may exercise his right of withdrawal by sending to SEV, before the expiry of the withdrawal period, a written and explicit communication, indicating, for reference, the number of commande indiqué dans la confirmation de commande). L'adresse pour la communication est: SEV Spa, Via Tamagno, 13, (21100) Varese, ou par e-mail à l'adresse [email protected].

16.3 Conformément à l'art . 55, secondo comma, del Codice del Consumo, l’utente non avrà diritto di recesso nei seguenti casi:

i) contratto di servizi dopo la completa prestazione del servizio se l’esecuzione è iniziata con l’accordo espresso dell’utente e con l’accettazione della perdita del diritto di recesso a seguito della piena esecuzione del contratto da parte di SEV;

ii) fornitura di beni o servizi il cui prezzo è legato a fluttuazioni nel mercato finanziario che il professionista non è in grado di controllare e che possono verificarsi durante il periodo di recesso;

ii) fornitura di prodotti confezionati su misura o personalizzati;

iii) prodotti che per loro stessa natura, non possono essere rispediti o rischiano di deteriorarsi od alterarsi rapidamente;

iv) fornitura di beni sigillati che non si prestano ad essere restituiti per motivi igienici o connessi alla protezione della salute e sono stati aperti dopo la consegna;

v) la fornitura d i registrazioni audio o video sigillate o di software informatici sigillati che sono stati aperti dopo la consegna;

vii) la fornitura di giornali, periodici e riviste ad eccezione dei contratti di abbonamento per la fornitura di tali pubblicazioni;

vi) fornitura di contenuto digitale (audiovisivo o software) mediante un supporto non materiale se l’esecuzione è iniziata. Con l’invio dell’Ordine l’utente dichiara di avere preso atto della presente clausola e dichiara di acconsentire, in tal caso, alla perdita del diritto di recesso.

16.4 Il diritto di recesso, inoltre, non può essere esercitato dall’utente qualora il prodotto non sia integro, ovvero:

– in mancanza dell’imballo originale;

– in badenza di elementi integranti del prodotto;

– per danneggiamento del prodotto causato dall’utente.

17. Restituzione dei Prodotti.

17.1 Per restituire i Prodotti a seguito dell’esercizio del diritto di recesso l’utente ha tempo 14 (quattordici) giorni dalla consegna del prodotto per contattare il servizio clienti per aprire la procedura del reso.

17.2 Il servizio clienti organizzerà la procedura del reso, che dovrà essere spedito dall’utente a SEV S.p.a. – ufficio abbonamenti, Via Tamagno, 13, (21100) Varese.

17.3 I Prodotti devono essere restituiti adeguatamente tutelati nella loro confezione originale, in perfette condizioni per la rivendita (non usurati, danneggiati o sporcati dall’utente). I costi ed i rischi legati alla restituzione dei Prodotti sono a carico del mittente.

17.4 I rimborsi saranno effettuati entro 14 (quattordici) giorni dal ricevimento della merce dal Venditore, previa comunicazione IBAN dell’utente. Il rimborso comprende il prezzo di acquisto dei prodotti ordinati e delle spese di spedizione sostenute, con l'eccezione delle spese di spedizione per la restituzione del Prodotto, che rimangono di competenza dell’utente. Il rimborso sarà effettuato mediante accredito sul conto bancario dell’utente.

18. Responsabilità.

18.1 Le fotografie ed i testi dei Prodotti presenti sul Sito sono a puro titolo esemplificativo e potrebbero essere difformi dai Prodotti medesimi o modificate senza alcun preavviso. Di conseguenza SEV non può essere ritenuta responsabile per eventuali errori derivanti da queste immagini o testi illustrativi.

18.2 SEV non può essere ritenuta comunque responsabile per violazione del presente Contratto in caso di mancanza od indisponibilità del Prodotto in ragione di cause di forza maggiore, guasti, interruzioni o sciopero totale o parziale dei servizi postali e trasporti e/o delle telecomunicazioni.

19. Proprietà intellettuale

19.1 Tutte le informazioni riportate sul Sito, tutti i marchi riprodotti nel Sito, tutti i programmi e/o tecnologie previste in relazione ai Prodotti e, più in generale, tutto o parte del Sito stesso, sono riservati e protetti. È vietato riprodurre marchi e loghi in uso dal Sito: l’utente inoltre s’impegna a non copiare, modificare, tradurre, riprodurre, diffondere, vendere, pubblicare, valorizzare e diffondere in altro modo in un formato diverso in forma elettronica o di altro tipo in tutto o in parte le informazioni (anche parziali) presenti sul Sito.

20. Privacy

20.1 I dati comunicati dall’utente necessari all’esecuzione del Contratto sono trattati in conformità alle disposizioni del D.Lgs. not. 196/2003 in materia di “Protezione dei dati personali”. Conformemente all'impegno ed alla cura che SEV dedica alla tutela dei dati personali, l’utente viene informato sulle modalità, finalità e ambito di comunicazione e diffusione dei Suoi dati personali e sui suoi diritti, in conformità all'art. 13 del D.Lgs. not. 196/2003.

20.2 Per offrire all’utente servizi personalizzati previsti dal Sito e in qualità del titolare del trattamento, SEV deve trattare alcuni dati identificativi per l'Erogazione del Servizio. In particolare i dati sono Dati di Navigazione, Cookies e Dati personali. Per ulteriori informazioni al riguardo consulta la sezione "Dati e Privacy" presente sul Sito.

21. Giurisdizione e Foro competente.

21.1 Il Contratto è soggetto al diritto italiano e la lingua del presente Contratto è la lingua italiana.

21.2 In caso di controversia il Foro competente è quello di Varese. Tuttavia, qualora l’utente dovesse rivestire la qualità di Consumatore, ai sensi delle disposizioni in materia di consumo e della disposizione di cui all’art. 1469 bis c.c., il Foro competente è quello del luogo in cui l’utente risiede.

21. Servizio Clienti.

21.1 Per qualsiasi informazione relativa all’Ordine inviare una e-mail a [email protected], indicando come oggetto dell'e-mail il tipo di richiesta (per esempio: "problema tecnico"), utilizzando il proprio indirizzo e-mail di registrazione e spiegando brevemente il problema.

21.2 Tali riferimenti non sono utilizzabili per ordinare i prodotti del Sito.

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