Moving against the traffic, going beyond the shivers: they have the sting


A photo that thrills. The bike that surpbades a car, cornering, occupying the opposite lane. This is one of the clichés made by the Carabinieri Forestali group Arezzo on the Calla Pbad. A few weeks later, new checks were carried out by the Bibbiena station, Castel San Niccolò and the Pratovecchio biodiversity office park station. One of the most popular Centaur routes is guarded.

A group of motorcyclists from Florence, at the entrance to SP 310, was controlled by the special security car that intercepted them at km 16 where they were monitored for two kilometers. . Some pins are turning too far and entry to the checkpoint has begun to give them the alt. Two of them challenged the traffic in the wrong direction: it was worse than the third who had to leave the driving license to do the same but close to the turns. For all 326 euros of minutes and 4 points. In the third, the points were reduced

Then it was the turn of three motorcyclists from Rimini who held the military in suspense for the conduct of driving. Exceed the heart and a speed that causes the Carabinieri to slow traffic from the opposite direction to avoid collisions. The three were arrested at the source of Calcedonia where they had to issue the license and withdraw a report of more than 400 euros each and the deduction of 10 points.

As if that was not enough a Florentine motorcyclist who had not noticed the checkpoint darted in front of the military as if nothing had happened but it did not last long. because the subject was immediately taken back and sentenced to a fine. Same fate to a motorcyclist from Bologna, he too had to leave the army for a dangerous driving license as a result of traffic, on the other hand.

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