Murder Vassallo, investigated the police Lazzaro Cioffi


There is the name of a rifleman registered in the case of the magistrates of Salerno investigating the murder of the mayor of Pollica Angelo Vbadallo, which took place in September 2010 in the district of Marina di Acciaroli. A crime always remained wrapped in a thick mystery. The rifleman to whom the Attorney General Marco Colamonici has sent an invitation to appear in recent weeks and then meet him on June 14, is called Lazzaro Cioffi: he was for many years in service with the company Castello di Cisterna ( competent in the northern province) of Naples) with the rank of brigadier and for several months is locked up in the military prison Santa Maria Capua Vetere as involved in an investigation of the Anti-Mafia District Direction of Naples who accuses him to have been in contact with one of the major clans dedicated to drug trafficking and to have revealed to the bosses the secrets of the investigation.

He was on the crime scene

His name in relation to the murder Vbadallo did it, as revealed by the news agency Justice News 23 a witness who in the past had talked about it to both to the murdered mayor's parents and to the investigators. The witness claims that Cioffi was at Acciaroli during an ambush, but investigations conducted in this regard as a result of his first statements did not provide evidence to consider the runway reliable. Today, in light of the Neapolitan investigation, Cioffi's figure is picked up by the investigators, as it has always been badumed that Vbadallo had the worst enemies among the traffickers drug he personally opposed, trying to prevent them from taking their business to Acciaroli. The interrogation to which Cioffi was subjected gave no result because the former carabineer made use of the faculty of not answering.

July 2, 2018 (Amendment July 2, 2018 | 14:01)


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