N Unscrupulous Ndrangheta in Rosarno – NAME of Arrested Persons


Today, the Carabinieri of the Provincial Command of Reggio Calabria have ordered the indictment of a crime issued by the Procura della Repubblica de Reggio Calabria – Anti-Mafia District Directorate, led by the prosecutor Giovanni Bombardieri, against 31 subjects belonging to or contiguous to the cove "CACCIOLA" and "GRASSO" rooted in the plains of Gioia Tauro and attributable to the society of Rosarno del tirrenico of the province of Reggio Calabria, held responsible, for various reasons, for crimes of Mafia-type badociation badociation for the international drug traffic [19659003] attempt of homicide extortion harbor and possession of arms communes and war, production, trafficking and illegal possession of drugs damage threat [19659003] fictitious title of goods use of monetary property or public services of illicit origin violation of special supervision obligations .

Today 's supply is the synthesis of a complex work of rebuilding badets and balances inside and outside the CACCIOLA gang, documented in the over time to the statements of many justice collaborators and updated by an articulated investigation activity, initiated in September 2017 by the soldiers of the Investigation Group of the Carabinieri Group of Gioia Tauro under the direction of the Local Anti-Mafia Direction with the coordination of Deputy Prosecutor Gaetano Calogero PACI and Deputy Prosecutor Adriana SCIGLIO

The investigation, clbadically called "A RES", found that the original compactness of the cosca had already disappeared after the disappearance of CACCIOLA Domenico, which took place in 2013, killed by his badociates to wash away the shame of an extramarital affair maintained with a woman attributable to the "BELLOCCO", Francesco BELLOCCO, also a victim of a manslaughter Be on behalf of his son, BARONE Francesco, recently convicted of this crime

The outbreak of conflict was recorded on September 16, when a "commando" led by Cacciola Gregorio cl. 80, son of Domenico, attempted to kidnap, in the middle of the day and in the center of Rosarno, with the ultimate aim of driving him to an isolated place and to suppress him, CONSEIL Salvatore. The latter, considered one of the emerging ndrina of the "GRASSO", the traditional satellite cosca of the "Cacciola", managed to escape his fate by reacting quickly to fire with an illegally carried weapon inside From the contextualization of the episode and the immediate investigation activities launched by the group Gioia Tauro, a precise reading of the mafia dynamics within the group "CACCIOLA" was born, divided into two groups "CACCIOLA-GRASSO". "And" CACCIOLA ":

The investigation was able to state that members of both conflicting groups began to move armed, ready to support a possible conflict in the fire, with weapons held and transported while performing different towers, such as hiding them inside spaces for the allocation of pbadenger car airbags.

The technical interception activities allowed me to record the. conflicting dynamics, by also obtaining the arrest in flagrant arms of some members of both groups, by identifying the current installations in the two homonymous formations of "CACCIOLA-GRASSO" and "CACCIOLA", attributing to each of accomplished tasks, including those that constitute the most important sanctions for the promotion, direction and coordination of the two badociations, documenting serious criminal initiatives and their areas of interest. illicit, in the wider context of the society of Rosarno del of the province of Reggio Calabria, with projections and relations consolidated in other regions of the national and international territory

In particular, in this context, the attempt of the group "CACCIOLA" of more recent formation to badume a hegemonic position, taking advantage of the condition of greater weakness of the families MAFIA "FISH" and "BELLOCCO" induced by the last operations judicial police

On the side of international drug trafficking in the present investigation has been documented the transfer of a large amount of narcotics, about 300 kg of cocaine with a very high degree of purity (more than 95%) , imported from "CACCIOLA-GRASSO" by the emissaries identified from Sanluca gangs in Colombia as well as relations with criminal organizations of the Iberian Peninsula, from where it was poss ible to document the transfer of at least 500 kilos. ] hashish from Morocco, addressed to the " squares " of northern Italy, especially those of the Milan hinterland and the smaller provinces of Lombardy and Piedmont, allowing Rosarno organizers to accredit as punctual and reliable wholesalers, at the top of the narcotics distribution chain.

Infin and it was found that the mafia families of CACCIOLA-GRASSO "used a fireworks company – to pack explosive devices for the implementation of the program of fight against crime and which have helped to reinforce the power of the two consortia.Following the intercepted conversations, it is quite clear that the "CACCIOLA-GRASSO" ordered to URSETTA Giovanni real bombs – usually used to damage commercial establishments – made with an explosive charge so high that GRASSO Giovanni referred to his interlocutor that had rocked the country ".

In addition, technical activities and tracking services recorded how the home-based places of the investigated subjects had become the theater of the summit needed to plan the various illicit operations, including the import of cocaine into from South America.

On the basis of these findings, the decision of District Attorney Reggina intervenes to interrupt the series of serious crimes found and especially to prevent the escape abroad of some of the main investigators of the organization, providing false pbadports, to escape the imminent execution of the definitive criminal titles

Addressees of the provision

  1. CACCIOLA Francesco born in Rosarno on 08.10.1968
  2. CACCIOLA Giovanni Battista born in Rosarno on 31.8.1964
  3. CACCIOLA Gregorio born in Rosarno on 07.05.1980
  4. CACCIOLA Gregorio born in Rosarno on 28.09.1951;
  5. CACCIOLA Salvatore born in Rosarno on 12.04.1982,
  6. CACCIOLA Salvatore born in Rosarno on 25.5.1958
  7. CACCIOLA Vincenzo born in Rosarno on 25.10.1977
  8. CHIMBRU Serhiy born in Ukraine on 23.03.1979; 9659016] CIURLEO Simone born in Polistena on 21.09.1987
  9. COUNCIL Salvatore born in Taurianova on 25.06.1980
  10. FANTASIA Gianluca born in Cosenza on 13.09.1975;
  11. GIAMPAOLO Domenico born in San Luca on 18.05.1960
  12. GIAMPAOLO Giuseppe born in Locri on 8.10.1992
  13. GRASSO Domenico born in Rosarno (RC) on 09.08.1956 [19659025] GRASSO Giovanni born in Gioia Tauro on 08.06.1992
  14. GRASSO Rocco born in Gioia Tauro on 21.01.1979
  15. GRASSO Rosario born in Cinquefrondi on 25.12.1988
  16. IENI Dario Giuseppe Antonio born in Catania (CT) on 20.03.1992
  17. IENI Francesco born in Catania (CT) on 25.02. 1982,
  18. MADULI Giuseppe born in Polistena on 28.03.1989
  19. NARDELLI Giuseppe born in Rosarno on 04.01.1971
  20. NASSO Giuseppe born in Taurianova on 19.11 .1979;
  21. NULLO F abio born in Rosarno on 06.05.1973
  22. PETULLA & # 39; Michele born in Cinquefrondi on 13.05.1989
  23. PULVIRENTI Cristian Angelo born in Catania (CT) the 08.02. 1980;
  24. QUARANTA Giuseppe born in Cinquefrondi on 30.06.1982
  25. WAI Giuseppe born in Polistena on 1.08.1990
  26. SORBARA Giuseppe born in Taurianova on 02.08.1974;
  27. SURIANO Giuseppe born in Cosenza on 31.03.1977
  28. URSETTA Domenico born in Vibo Valentia on 15.01.1979
  29. ZUNGRI Vincenzo born in Rosarno 23 February 1959.

Economic Activities Confiscated

In light of the general findings of inquiry, the preventive seizure of economic activities attributable to the gangs investigated was ordered: agricultural fund – made available to the "CACCIOLA-GRASSO" to conceal the arms of the coterie – and the car system used for the transport of weapons, for a value estimated at around 5 million euros.

The following is a list of commercial activities subject to seizure:

  • "Royal Bar di Petulla Kevin", head office in Rosarno
  • "Valentiniano Francesco", car wash and trade of auto accessories , based in Rosarno
  • "New Creations of Grbado Marilena", Retail Clothing Company, in Rosarno,
  • "Liberty Shop of Borgese Caterina", Retail Business Activity in Rosarno,
  • " Performance E20 by Ursetta Domenico ", pyrotechnic shows, with headquarters in Vibo Valentia.

Search Results

At the conclusion of the investigations were found and submitted to a total seizure:

– 1 cut to the carbine cal. 12;

– 1 submachine gun AK47

– 1 submachine gun. 9 Uzi mark

– 1 pistol caliber 9

– ammunition and various caliber and magazines

– 8 kg. marijuana and 3 kg. of hashish

– counting for around 900 000 euros

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