Naples, an odyssey at the airport: Ryanair passengers left on the ground for nine hours


Naples, an odyssey at the airport. They had to leave for Lisbon, but their Ryanair plane did not take off. On the contrary, he brakes abruptly on the runway just before getting up and backing, bringing the frightened pbadengers to the door and leaving them there, waiting for more than nine hours, until the flight is finally canceled.

About two hundred people from flight FR1316 from Naples to Lisbon remained on the ground yesterday, Friday 27, due to a technical breakdown. They did not even leave the next day. "We had no explanation – they blame – we had to take off at 2:35 pm, but they landed us and they left us until 11:00 pm: they did not even give us the chance to take our baggage. " The holidays ended even before they started: "Not only did they not help us – they add – but they also warned us that the next Ryanair flights available for Lisbon will only start on August 5th. It's a scandal. "

  Naples, Airport Odyssey: Ryanair's pbadengers left for the ground for nine hours

To the pity adds a great fright, as the ##################################################################### 39 have told Ludovica and Daniele, a couple of Neapolitan students, both aged 24. "We have been waiting for these holidays for months – they say – we booked our ticket in May." At first, all seems to turn in the right direction: "After the registration and all the door checks – continue – we proceed to boarding, in perfect time." The plane starts the rolling operations, it happens also in the home stretch, ready to take off. "He begins the strong acceleration for takeoff – continues Daniele – when suddenly there is a strong braking. We are frightened by the unexpected, bags fall between seats, children cry: the commander warns us that because of a technical breakdown we have to return to the parking lot. "Occurrences that occur. But it is from now on that begins the odyssey of the two hundred.

The story of Daniele continues: "When we return to the airport, we find no employee of Ryanair. The door is practically empty: there is no one to explain the event or the extent of the fault. Our bags, as usual, are among others remaining in the plane stopped. But we did not know that we would get them back more than nine hours later. "
Given the scale of the breakdown, the departure slips from hour to hour: from 18h to 19h, then to 20h" During all this time, we continue to meet nobody in charge of the work: no word from duty, rebadurance, nothing. Only at 20:30 someone comes to tell us that we have 10 euros of vouchers for dinner there, in Capodichino. "

The vouchers are only valid for a restaurant at the airport:" but – Daniele stressed – was not ready to suddenly receive more than two hundred pbadengers: we ate little and badly. Some older people also needed to take medication, but they were in the luggage, always on board. "

  Naples, an odyssey at the airport: Ryanair pbadengers left on the ground for nine hours

At 22:30 arrives the final confirmation of the cancellation of the flight:" We are learning instructors, not Ryanair employees: all they say The airport information center is that the breakdown has required more time for technical intervention. They allow us to collect our bags only after 23 ".

For pbadengers, many of them children, Ryanair pays for accommodation at the hotel.Many go away: some foreigners are forced Even Daniele and Ludovica are returning home "We had already booked a hotel, excursions and car rental: all is lost, we will not leave."

Outside the airport At the Ryanair box office, "two employees did not know anything about the incident: according to the law, if a flight accumulates three hours or more late and the road is set at 1500 km, each pbadenger is entitled to a remuneration of 400 euros. "

Before leaving the airport of Naples, all pbadengers file a signed statement to the airport police:" We will move legally against Ryanair – Daniele concludes – Not so much for the unexpected plane, which could happen, that for the total absence the support staff and explanations for all this time: they left us totally alone. It's absurd. "

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