Naples, ecoballe on fire in the company of San Vitaliano. Minister Costa activates the Noe


This is the umpteenth burning in a waste storage and recycling plant. For this reason, on the fire inside the company Ecologia Bruscino in San Vitaliano (Naples) investigate the riflemen. In the center of the ecoballe inside the factory. There are 12 firefighter teams on site, about 50 men. The columns of smoke, very high, are visible from different points. Also intervened the NBC team of the Vigili which intervenes in the cases where the fires release dangerous substances . Also alert Arpac that will intervene when the intervention will be completed. According to the center of the operations of the firemen there are no people involved

The carabiniers of the ecological group (Noe) were activated by the Ministry of the Environment directed by Sergio Costa. " We activated the Noes. We are very aware of the fact that it is the [énième] […] the umpteenth burning of waste storage and recycling plants. Nearly 300 in two years in all of Italy, an impressive number that can not be considered casual.We have already activated to clarify.We are in contact with the local authorities and we know why the citizens are Legitimately frightened by the column of smoke which, according to the first news, would be 30 meters high. "To investigate also the carabinieri of Castello di Cisterna. From a first rebuilding the flames erupted in the yard to then involve a discarded pile of waste. The buildings where the storage takes place have not been affected. Cause investigations are also underway by firefighters.

"We must immediately clarify the root causes of the fire that erupted in the afternoon today in a recycling company, the deposit of the ecoballe in San Vitaliano Hours we are – we read in a note of the regional parent company M5S Campania, Gennaro Saiello – following on the spot the fire extinguishing phases, whose black smoke spread to saturate the air of many surrounding municipalities. We are in touch with the staff of Minister Costa, who immediately provided all the necessary support, even to badume responsibility.We are in a region close to densely populated municipalities and close to cultivated fields Thanks to the actions of our government, we are certain that we will support actions and institutional initiatives within the Regional Council, strong measures and effective will be adopted as soon as possible to avoid the emergence of events such as burning this afternoon, with a new high production of dioxins and poisons in an already battered land. "

" Minister of the Environment – declares deputy and FI coordinator of the metropolitan city of Naples, Paolo Russo – to intervene immediately to safeguard the health of the population threatened by the ecological disaster which is currently consumed in San Vitaliano, in the Neapolitan zone, where the flames devour the ecological platform of Ambiente, active in the waste sector. Meanwhile, the mayors tell the citizens not to leave the house. "The black smoke column that can be seen in many municipalities in the region says a lot about the serious environmental and health risks to which a densely populated area is subjected. That is why – adds Russo – or it is necessary to intervene quickly by implementing community protection actions . They are burning materials that emit harmful substances and there is no time to waste. "" Today – concludes the deputy – is the time for relief and countermeasures to be put in place for defuse the ecological bomb, but tomorrow we will have to wonder what, in Battipaglia as in San Vitaliano, did not work in the system of control and prevention.

"The fire that broke out at Bruscino Ecologia in San Vitaliano, which is a recycling platform for Conai, is a real environmental disaster – reads a note, the regional councilor of the Greens, Francesco Emilio Borrelli – on which we must make absolutely clear The witnesses I have heard tell personally strange movements within the company before the flames are declared and claim to have filed a complaint to this We ask the police to investigate the truthfulness of these circumstances and, therefore, to return to the responsibilities of what happened. we will do everything to give clear and some news to the citizens from the immediate demand for air quality control by Arpac. "

Photo capture of the Facebook video screen of the journalist Ne llo Trocchia

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