Flames in a company that has plastics in Nolan. Minister Costa: "We will clarify the causes"

  Naples, max-fire of ecoballe San Vitaliano, dioxin risk: the investigation begins

Flames in a company who takes care of plastics disposal: it is a dioxin alarm in the province of Naples. The fire broke out at 15 in the courtyard of the Bruscino di San Vitaliano ecology. In short, the stake has reached a pile of waste waiting to be eliminated. a column of black and thick smoke began to rise, creating discomfort also to the circulation on the state of "Vesuvius". On the spot, the riflemen from Castello di Cisterna arrived and twelve fire brigades and about fifty men tried to stem the flames that enveloped the entire region. The factory was closed, so no intoxicated worker was found.
"We are monitoring and following closely what is happening in San Vitaliano where a recycling warehouse and ecoballes has been opened.We are in contact with the relevant local authorities and inform us why the citizens are just title frightened by the column of smoke that, according to the first news, would reach up to 30 meters high, "said Environment Minister Sergio Costa … .We are extremely aware that it's This is the umpteenth burning of waste storage and recycling facilities.More than 300 in two years all over Italy.An impressive number that can not be considered casual.We have already worked to clarify things "
On-site also the Nbcr fire brigade team that intervenes in cases where fires release dangerous substances such as dioxin produced by burned plastic. warned that once the operation is complete, it will badyze the air in the area. From a first reconstruction, the flames erupted in the company's yard, to then involve a pile of discarded garbage. The buildings where the storage takes place have not been affected.
There is a burning smell behind escalating suspicious fires that affected waste management and storage facilities in Campania last week. "In a note, Michele Buonomo of the Legambiente National Secretariat says that it was due to the maximum ecoballic fire that developed in the Neapolitan area. "Who wants to put a kneeling system which, thanks to the separate collection, tries to improve and to increase the circular economy – he wonders – After the fires that hit the companies of Salerno, we are facing a new case of fire and we are concerned about the increase of episodes of this kind, especially for the potential impact on the environment and the health of citizens.Additional efforts on the part of the judicial and supervisory authorities are necessary to understand whether there is a common denominator between These cases trigger a new waste war. "