NASA announced yesterday the decision to open the International Space Station to individuals as early as next year. The station orbiting the Earth will become the most exclusive hotel in the world (but it would be better to say the Universe), because for each night, you will pay a little less than 35 000 dollars. But the one announced by NASA is not the beginning of the era of space tourism.
The choice of the space agency aims instead to develop the commercial and marketing activities of private companies (more than 50 companies already carrying out commercial research and development research on the space station), who could choose to send their representatives to the station.
A NASA directive issued on May 31 will allow the Space Agency and private astronauts to conduct new commercial activities aboard the in-orbit laboratory. The directive also sets prices for the industrial use of US government resources on the space station for commercial and marketing activities. The basic price per day is $ 33,750 per day, plus $ 105 for luggage and variable electricity costs ($ 42 per kilowatt hour) and for data transfer to the Earth ($ 50). dollars each gigabyte).
Private astronaut missions on the International Space Station will last up to 30 days. The first mission was already scheduled to take place in 2020. To ensure market competitiveness, NASA will initially provide 5% of the annual resources allocated to the crew. and the load capacity of the agency, including 90 hours of crew time and a cargo launch capacity of 175 kg, but will limit the amount provided to any company.
The private companies that will develop the mission will determine the crew composition for each mission and ensure that private astronauts meet NASA's medical standards as well as training and certification procedures for Station crew members. international space.
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