Naspi 2018: presents the application for unemployment online with


PublliRedational – The school is now over for teachers and students, and the time has come for alternates and temporary teachers to apply for unemployment, also called Naspi Scuola (New Insurance for Employment)

It is possible to claim unemployment from July 1st if the employment contracts ended on June 30th. But how can you ask for the allowance? What are the deadlines?

How the Naspi Works

The precarious school and the substitutes must have certain requirements to have unemployment benefits, whose claim must be presented before 68 days from the end of the contract. It is also necessary to immediately make available the work of the INPS by telematic means and to then come to the Employment Center for the signature of the personalized service contract.


1) Unemployed status : the recognition of the status of unemployed presupposes 3 others under conditions:

  • being unemployed because dismissed against their will. This condition for precarious teachers comes with the termination of the employment contract for the school, or because she was dismissed for just cause or dismissed in periods protected by maternity,
  • having made the statement of immediate availability to work at the INPS, Center for Employment or via Single portal registration for the unemployed ;
  • to be active in the search for employment according to the rules of the personalized service contract, signed at the Center for Employment

2) having paid at least 13 weeks of contributions in the 4 years preceding the event of involuntary unemployment

3) having done at least 30 days of actual work in the last 12 months before the dismissal

to apply for Naspi unemployment online with

If you are a teacher or temporary replacement, here are the instructions on how to submit the Naspi 2018 unemployment application quickly and easily:

Application for recognition of benefits of unemployment must be submitted to the INPS, exclusively by electronic means, through one of the following channels:

  • via the web: access to the telematic services of the Institute through its device PIN Inps , [19659009] institutions of Patronato,
  • badistance through the online service provided by collaboration with CNLI (National Confederation of Italian Workers) tel. 011 7396671

To complete the application, simply complete the appropriate form and attach the following documents to request the Naspi:

  • Identity Document;
  • Tax Code;
  • Labor contracts and payroll for the last 13 weeks of work;
  • Model SR163 completed and stamped by the bank or post office where the account is held;
  • Declaration of any VAT number

For more information on how to calculate the amount of unemployment, the schedule and to fill the application itself, it is possible to use the services of to complete and forward the unemployment application completely online.

Among the other services provided by is the filling of forms, tax advice, evaluation of the study plan, badistance on applications inclusion in the ranking of institutions.


For information and registration call 011 7396671

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