Nationalize Alitalia will cost 3.5 billion: 58 euros to the Italian


In the past, the national carrier has already devoured at least $ 7.4 billion of public money. An endless nightmare for taxpayers that the Minister of Infrastructure, Danilo Toninelli, intends to continue to ensure the Italianity of the carrier that as of 2018 loses a million euros a day [19659002] Statizing Alitalia will cost 3.5 billion. A tax of 58 euros for each Italian ” clbad=”image-responsive”/>

Danilo Toninelli, Minister of Infrastructure

On the shoulders of Italian taxpayers, the nightmare of Alitalia is about to return. The Minister of Transport, Danilo Toninelli, announced in a surprising way that the rescue of the carrier would take place guaranteeing the Italianity to 51%. The pentastellato minister did not provide details on the operation, but government sources also revealed that it was in fact a nationalization

Cdp Involvement and Invitalia

The idea to study is indeed 49% to an industrial partner and distribute the 51% control share between two government-controlled entities: Cbada depositi e prestiti and Invitalia, the financial branch of the Ministry of Development

The calculations of the institution Bruno Leoni [19659008] If the project really went into the port on the pockets of each Italian, it would fall a drain of 39 at least 58 euros. Bruno Leoni, the institute, made the accounts. Adding the 900 million state bridge loan, the 400 million accumulated losses with the management commissioner, the social safety nets and the resources needed for the recovery plan, the final cost to taxpayers would be 3. , 5 billion euros. The money that would have cost the $ 7.4 billion has already cost the Italians between 1974 and 2014.

The meaningless Italian in a global context

Toninelli's idea has raised strong doubts for several reasons. The first is that in the current global context, defending the Italian character of a carrier is no longer of much use. For the development of tourism in the country (one of the reasons given to support the Italianness of the company) in recent years has certainly made a lot more a low-cost airline like Ryanair than 39 years ago. ; Alitalia.

The experience of "brave captains"

The second reason is that Italianism evokes the questionable choice of Silvio Berlusconi who, in 2008, in Palazzo Chigi, stops the sale of the carrier to Air France -KLM to promote the rise of Cai, or the Italian Coordination of "brave captains". As stated, the operation was a disaster. Pier Luigi Bersani defined it as the greatest crime of industrial policy of the century

Hands of history behind 10 years

Toninelli himself acknowledged the mistakes made. "I am very angry when we talk about how past managers, skilled in Italian excellence, have done damage." Faced with such claims, it is therefore difficult to understand why we insist to defend the Italian character of the carrier and especially to bring back the hands of the story of 10 years, or in 2008 when the government decided to privatize the carrier to stop the bleeding of public money.

Cottarelli's estimates

We are talking about nationalizing Alitalia. it already costs a lot to the coffers of the state: Mediobanca estimates that it generated charges of 7.4 billion between 1974 and 2014. As of 2018, it loses more than one million a day according to the estimates of @AndreaGiuricin .

– Carlo Cottarelli (@CottarelliCPI) 19 July 2018

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