Nave eighteen, Mattarella calls the count. Then, the Prime Minister orders the landing of migrants. Viminal: "Amazement"


The President of the Council Giuseppe Conte ordered the landing of the 67 migrants aboard the ship Diciotti, to whom these last hours had been given permission to enter the port of Trapani. Shortly before had received the call of Sergio Mattarella : during the call the prime minister, they explained to the agency Adnkronos the sources of the government, rebadured the President explaining to control the situation and constantly monitored. At that time, Conte called on Ministers of the Interior and Transport Salvini and Toninelli "to communicate the decision, already taken, to land people aboard the Italian Coast Guard " . The two ministers were also informed by Conte of contacts with Colle. From Viminale they said welcome with astonishment the intervention of Mattarella and with "regret" the choice of power of attorney

The boat transported 67 migrants saved in the days seen of the tug Your Thalbada then transhipped on the Italian Coast Guard ship. During the last hours had been granted landing in the port of Trapani. The vision of the Minister of the Interior, who opposed the decision, was different: "I do not want to make mocking . As long as there is no clarity on what happened I do not authorize anyone to leave the Eighteen: if anybody do it for me, he will take responsibility "he said Innsbruck . "Or they lied to the shipowners denouncing badaults that were not there and then they have to pay or the aggression was there and then the perpetrators have to go to jail," reiterated the Deputy Prime Minister at the press conference. meeting with European colleagues

On the ship Eighteen "in the Procura there is a debate We did not rush to land them" Salvini added, "How much is left on board the migrants on board the ship who arrived at the port of Trapani?" All time needed – he added – Who should decide at all elements necessary to decide. "The Minister also denies a Arm wrestling with the Minister of Infrastructure and Transportation:" I love and I agree with Danilo Toninelli Today, I did not hear it but I sent it to you ". What did I write to him? "I will not tell you, they are kind and reserved," replied the leader of the Northern League

According to Ansa the decision to keep the Eighteen in the port depends on the ongoing investigation to identify the smugglers that could have been saved with the migrants, as well as to clarify what happened on board the Vos Thalbada, since the commercial commander had reported a situation of " serious danger " for the crew requesting the intervention of the Eighteen, after the protests of two people on board.

The two were identified and reported : possession of a ship, threats and violence are the crimes issued by the Police Headquarters and Central Police Operational Staff (Sco) of the Rome Police. The report has not yet been handed over to Prosecutor of Trapani who will have to decide whether and measures taken . The offenses were committed against the commander and the crew of Vos Thalbada after the migrants had discovered that the ship was moving towards Libya . Recipients could be "the two troublemakers" mentioned by Salvini and speaking of a Ghanaian and a Sudanese "

Meanwhile, the Chief Prosecutor Alfredo Morvillo wait for the acts of the police and the Sco and only after receiving the information and after berthing in the port of Trapani Diciotti will decide, having at this time jurisdiction in accordance with the law, as proceeding . The determinants are the testimonies of the commander and the crew to establish the extent of the threats made by some of the migrants after they realized that they were going to head to Libya . The police also acquired mail and texts from messages that exchanged in these situations the Vos Thalbada and the society that manages them and the subsequent information provided to the general command of Italian Port Authority of the Italian Port which ordered the intervention of the ship Diciotti and the transhipment of migrants on the Coast Guard Vessel

But investigations are also underway for to identify all boat smugglers on whom the migrants rescued the evening of 9 July last. Subsequently, the Coast Guard intervened because the merchant's commander reported a situation of "serious danger" for the crew, composed of Italians, threatened by some rescued migrants upon their arrival in the area of ​​D & B. A patroller . And for that they were made to tranship on the ship Eighteen of the Italian Coast Guard where then, with migrants, there could also be smugglers.

Meanwhile, a sit-in protest against the minister of Interno Salvini was organized at the port of Trapani. About thirty people in all, some wear the red t-shirt other shirt Libera Pier Ronciglio shout slogans like "Let's stay human". Some wear handcuffs. Several badociations have joined the initiative, including Libera and Cgil who dispute the " walls that we want to place among migrants and our cities" and invite the Movimento 5 stelle to "not be dragged by Salvini".

And the Mayor of Trapani, Giacomo Tranchida this morning while addressing Adnkronos attacked Salvini: "Make the Minister. Electoral Districts do them inside his party and do not run the country that has a Constitution company ". "The possible deprivation of personal freedom provides the Judiciary in case of violations of Italian laws and certainly not Salvini with a tweet ," said Tranchida, remotely repeating at the head of the Viminale and his sentence: "The violent pirates of the air will have to get off the ship Diciotti handcuffed ". "It is obvious that the laws are valid for everyone – added the first citizen of Trapani – and those who are wrong have to pay, but the badessment of crimes is the responsibility of the judiciary and not the minister. in the spirit that he runs a country and that he can not do it by pursuing an eternal election campaign ".

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