Nave Eighteen, two migrants investigated for private violence. Mattarella calls Conté


TRAPANI – Two migrants surveyed. And only for the lesser of the three alleged crimes in the report presented to the Prosecutor of Trapani by investigators of the Sco and Mobile team. No arrest. Ibrahim Bushara, a Sudanese, and Hamid Ibrahim, a Ghanaian, are only being investigated for spousal abuse in continuing and aggravated contestation to the detriment of the commander and crew of tugboat Vos Thalbada, who rescued them Sunday with 65 others near an oil rig.

The accusation of diversion of falls
The reconstruction of the facts contained in the police information, based on the testimony of the crew, arrived yesterday on board by the investigators, and by the same migrants on the Coast Guard vessel Eighteen, at the present time except that a revolt or even an attempt at piracy could have taken place on board the tug, as Minister Salvini feared. The Coast Guard called the commander Vos Thalbada, worried that he could no longer handle the order on board after the migrants understood that they would be brought back.

The prosecutor Alfredo Morvillo entrusted to the Mobile Other Investigations to reconstruct exactly how things happened, but certainly nothing lets us think, as Salvini had asked aloud, that stops can be made. It will now be necessary to see what Salvini will do, who refused permission to disembark while awaiting the provisions of the judiciary. In the meantime, the humanitarian organizations present at the port ask to speed up the landing operations and at least to let the children get on board. And the fate of the Diciotti is also interested in the head of state: Sergio Mattarella closely follows the history of the ship stuck at the port of Trapani, and also had contacts with the Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte. While the Minister of Transport Danilo Toninelli tries to calm down: "The investigations are continuing, nobody threatens our workers." If the feared danger on board does not correspond to the truth, the judiciary will say.

Salvini's Slot
Tug of war got worse this morning, with Matteo Salvini's statements from Innsbruck: "I do not want to make fun of me . on what happened, I do not allow anyone to leave the Eighteen: if someone does it for me, he will take responsibility for it, "he said. "Or they lied to the shipowners denouncing badaults that were not – and then they have to pay – or the badault was and then the officials must go to jail."

According to the owner of the Viminale, the alleged Disturbances aboard the tugboat Vos Thalbada must be handcuffed. But from the police investigation conducted over the last 24 hours at sea, no evidence of a nature to justify detention has appeared: it was the appreciation of the police. Accusation, which summed up in the late afternoon the allegations of threats and misappropriations private violence

The green light after convulsive hours
The green light at the berth, communicated by the Ministry Infrastructure led by Toninelli, arrived at the end of a morning convened. Shortly before, around 12 o'clock, the ship – which was entering the port – was suddenly ordered to retreat and remain in the harbor. A stalemate difficult to solve while in other parts of Sicily, from Lampedusa to Syracuse, the Guardia di Finanza has landed 83 other migrants intercepted at sea, 60 on a sailboat sailing towards Noto and 23 intercepted offshore Lampedusa

· BED The sos of Vos Thalbada and the mystery of insubordination

Salvini of Innsbruck has not stepped back one step. He called the chief of the Viminale's cabinet: "How did you spend the night of the Eighteen?" Look, I will insist that they have to get off the boat handcuffed, otherwise no one will come. How many have caught? When the call was closed, he said, "Apparently, two have already been identified and four more must be identified." I am not a pbadenger, they are violent who have hijacked a ship. "


In depth

" Realism, not slogan "Now on migrants Di Maio is removed from Carroccio


The arrival at Trapani of the Coast Guard patrol was originally scheduled for yesterday afternoon, then it is slipped.And even today the operations continued in slow motion, to allow the police to complete the investigations commissioned by Salvini.In the absence of flagrante delicto, the mobile police of Trapani and Sco went to join the commander and crew of the tug in international waters and collect their testimonies. migrants and the two alleged perpetrators were interviewed aboard the Vos Thalbada

Migrants, the Eighteen arriving at Trapani: on the pier with red t-shirts and handcuffs

The garrison badociations
a crowd of journalists and cameras, from this morning also mobile phones and police cars to escort the migrants to the hotspot where they had been established to carry out the identification and wait for the opinions of the magistrates. There is also an antiracist garrison of the "Let's Humans" network: protesters are wearing red T-shirts symbolizing the campaign for the opening of ports. They join various badociations, including Libera and CGIL, who challenge the "walls that we want to place among migrants and our cities" and invite the 5-star movement to "not be dragged by Salvini".

The last leaders of the dead in the pond
Meanwhile, MSF gives the last balance sheet of the dead at sea: 600 only last month, half of all deaths at sea since the beginning of the year . "A mbadacre with hundreds of victims, while NGO ships could no longer help them". For Karline Kleijer, emergency manager for the organization, "the political decisions of Europe in recent weeks have had fatal consequences: the decision of coolness has been taken to drown men, women and children in Mediterranean ". It's shameful and unacceptable ".

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