Ndrangheta, Calabria's wind farms in the hands of the clans: 13 arrests. Even the mayor considered as "victim"


Even "clean" energies were a source of "dirty" money for the "Ndrangheta". The Calabrian clans wanted to become masters of the wind and systematically got their hands on contracts and worked on the construction of wind farms in four of the five provinces of Calabria, Reggio Calabria, Catanzaro, Crotone and Vibo Valentia.
Antimafia of Reggio Calabria, headed by Attorney General Giovanni Bombardieri, who sought and obtained the arrest of 13 people, including 6 entrepreneurs, all considered affiliated or related to the Paviglianiti clan of San Lorenzo, in Reggio , Mancuso di Limbadi and For various reasons, they are all accused of mafia-type badociation, extortion, unlawful competition with violence or threat and damage, aggravated by the method or mafia purposes, and undue induction to give or promise benefits. In the hands of the clans – they discovered the riflemen of the provincial command of Reggio Calabria – there was also Francesco Scalfaro, 59, current mayor of Cortale, in the Catanzaro, only a few months ago a heavy intimidation and therefore a victim of the clans. In fact, today unveils the investigation "Gone with the wind", it would not have escaped the claims of men related to "Ndrangheta." Six companies worth 42 million euros were also seized.

"This is an important operation – explains Attorney General Giovanni Bombardieri – because it shows how the" Ndrangheta is able to infiltrate in different provinces of Calabria, always with the same methods, typically the mafia ". The investigation, coordinated by Deputy Prosecutor Giuseppe Lombardo and prosecutors Antonio De Bernardo, Giovanni Calamita and Antonella Crisafulli, began from Reggio Calabria but found the systematic infiltration of clans into the works necessary for the construction of several wind farms in almost all provinces of Calabria

"In various situations and provinces – explains the prosecutor – contractors who had won the contract were required to fill the companies that were to be used for the work to be actually completed ". Acting as a link between supply, business and construction sites scattered throughout Calabria, an active entrepreneur in Reggio, but able to represent the commercial interests of clans everywhere. A sort of criminal commercial mediator – explain the magistrates – who has been able to interface with big companies, including foreign ones, to impose the wishes of the families of 'ndrangheta.

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