Negotiating with Alitalia: the unions on the warpath


The call to view had arrived for several days already, but since government no convocation has yet arrived and I unions I am now at the foot of war one on the other Alitalia. The future of the airline seems still uncertain – between the need to find the right partner, the need to find commissioner which replaces the outgoing Luigi Gubitosi and the deadline now at the doors of the bridging loan – the leader of the movement is now threatened with mobilization Cgil Susanna Camusso. And in the same wake, the Uiltrasporti. "If the convocation of the permanent table promised by the government does not arrive in a few hours, it will then proceed to mobilize," threatened Camusso. Recognizing, however, that Alitalia has done "extraordinary work during the term of the Commissioner's term, proving to have a business national". But compared to choosing to have an industrial partner, he recalled, "the government promised a permanent table, but we found no trace of it".


Cladio TarlazzSecretary General Uiltrasporti warns that "it seems that there is no alternative to the mobilization of all workers Alitalia, given the inaction of the government, after giving us many guarantees of involvement in the path of revitalization of society. "In terms of partners for the future of Alitalia, after the positive evaluation of its offer by the Commissioners, Ferrovie dello Stato is ready to leave for the acquisition of the company. And the announcement Gianfranco Battisti has already made contact with many operators, including the short-haul courier company easyjet and delta, which could instead be the ideal candidate to handle long-haul flights.


Inside Alitalia, as the decisive date of December 15th approaches, when the maturity of the repayment of the bridge loan is fixed, the badumption of an extension seems now realistic. Line management credit 900 million euros to be repaid with interest of around 100 million – and on which the lighthouse of the EU for suspects State aid – must be managed by the commissioners. But more than a week after the release of Gubitosi, the situation remains pending. He is still waiting for setting the decision as to who will complete the commissioner triad alongside Stefano Paleari and Enrico Laghi. One of the possible ventilated solutions could be to make Paleari coordinator.

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