Negotiation 1 / The sentence reopens the Berlusconi case. What is not studied


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"The role of Marcello Dell & # 39; Utri" as intermediary of The threats of Cosa Nostra to Silvio Berlusconi do not occur when the latter decided to embark on politics, but it was expressed after the formation and installation of the new government chaired by Berlusconi " .Judges write in the motivations of the sentence of the state-Mafia negotiation process. is not the first time that the judiciary puts the black and white on the role of Utri, supposedly a link with the mafia and Berlusconi.But this time, the narration is even more precise, circumstantial and likely to

The former prime minister is not on the ground, but it is as if it were the case. "The deductions of the judicial magistrate, who s & # 39; 39, add to those of the magistracy of instruction, give a dark image, which puts Be rlusconi in question, but unable to say his. There are no formal fees, there is no investigation, no imputation, and therefore can not defend themselves, as explained by his advocates and, his close collaborators. With the opacity of the past that, along with the mbadacres, has indelibly marked some of the darkest pages in the history of Italy, there is an unpublished question, the case of 39, a presumed accused, who is not. And on this theme, many will make their voices heard. Is it fair to arouse suspicion about a citizen who has not even been tried?

The camp should be expelled from its ghosts as soon as possible. But it 's such a complex package that showing optimism today would really be foolishness. Everything revolves around the figure of Masrcello Dell 'Utri, who in the sentence is again held the deus ex machina in the relationship between the Sicilian mafia and the Berlusconi empire, ended in the sights of organized crime. The badumption is noteworthy: Berlusconi would have been protected by Dell 'Utri, by the Mangano groom,' transferred 'to Arcore because he was exercising his protective duties in the first person, and Mangano finally he would done to protect the mafia family that belonged. A kind of domino

There is no evidence that Berlusconi knew. He could not know, the judges argue in the sentence. It is good, at this point, to read (and re-read …) the page – one of about six thousand pages – in which the domino explores its effects, to draw elements of judgment.

Former Senator Dell Utri, who is already serving a sentence for the mafia, was sentenced to 12 years in prison for threats or violence to the state political body. Then the judges continue: "Even if there is none and there is no direct evidence on the sending of the Dell-Utri threat to Berlusconi (because obviously one and the other can know the content of their talks) logico-factual factors that lead us to have no doubt that Dell & Utri actually reported to Berlusconi what from time to time resulted from his relations with our own mediator by Vittorio Mangano (and previously, in other cases, by Gaetano Cina). "Without Berlusconi 's approval and authorization – he still reads in the sentence – Dell & # 39; Utri obviously could not have such large sums, paid, according to the magistrates, until December 1994. The other aspect is the An effective attempt to approve a rule which would have changed the way the mafia stopped, mentioned by the repentant Salvatore Cucuzza, who would have learned from Mangano. A standard that was actually contained in a piece of legislation then not approved. "" The comparison further demonstrates that Dell & # 39; Utri continued to inform Berlusconi of all his contacts with the mafia even after the establishment of government by the latter presided, because only Berlusconi, as president of the Council, could have authorized a legislative intervention, Attempt with the approval of Decree-Law 440 of July 14, 94.

In an interview with La Stampa the deputy of Forza Italy Francesco Paolo Sisto comments on the pbadage of the motivation of the sentence on the State-Mafia negotiation that it concerns Berlusconi. "In general, motivation concerns the parties involved in the process, when it is extended to topics that have no connection with procedural events, some perplexities excite him, warns Sisto." When the judges say that there are logical factual reasons that lead us not to doubt, he continues, perplexity is growing. It's an indignant expression: it's a paragiuridico entertainment that meditatively produces its effect but is legally equal to sub-zero. This is an unacceptable badessment, a technically incorrect gesture because Berlusconi has no opportunity to defend himself. The only thing that can be said to neutralize this claim is that it's a dance. This is an inadequate attempt that must be recognized with respect for the source but no respect for the content. Probably it was a "slip of the calami". A statement so deductive that it becomes creative and therefore its factual and legal relevance is "nothing," he concludes

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