New EU letter to Italy: clarification of debt by 13 November


Zero growth, a new letter from Brussels, growing gaps: another difficult day for the government, which aims to present the maneuver tomorrow in Parliament. The "crucial vulnerability" for the European Commission remains the Italian debt, which makes the expansionist choices of the "green" incompatible with the respect of EU rules. But above all, they mortgage "more productive expenses for the benefit of its citizens". In addition, of course, be a "source of worry" for the euro area. Rome has a maximum of two weeks to respond and provide explanations on the reasons for its strategy.

The block of debt on the one hand, the growth of the other. If, at the beginning of the week, M5S-Lega has breathed a sigh of relief when looking at the markets, the latest ISTAT data describes a country that, after three years, stops growing and makes it more difficult, badysts say, to public finance objectives. they set the GDP in 2018 to 1,2 and in 2019 they raise it to 1,5%. But not for the government. Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, but also the two vice-premieres, dropped the news claiming that it was expected: "We had planned – ensures the Indian Prime Minister – we will thus proceed to an expansive maneuver". And they fulfill their responsibilities on the past and the adversaries. For Luigi Di Maio, "the result of 2018 depends on the maneuver approved in December 2017, which corresponds to the plate of the Democratic Party". The same goes for Matteo Salvini: the slowdown is due to his predecessors, also "obedient" in Brussels. The more reason, he continues, "to move like a train in the maneuver". The reasons why the former Minister of the Economy, Pier Carlo Padoan, should be clbadified as "laughable": the data are "worse" than expected, he said, is probably due to the international situation but also to the "gialloverde government" it hurts itself. "

Alessandro Barbera


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Critics also say that Confindustria: growth, said industry president Vincenzo Boccia, is fundamental to the sustainability of this maneuver.

Maneuver that the government claims to be closed and that tomorrow precisely should be presented to the Chambers, even if the text – according to what has been reported – has not yet been delivered to the offices of Quirinale. On the other hand, a final summit is expected for the evening at the Palazzo Chigi con Conte and the owner of the Treasury, Giovanni Tria (who went today to Berlin to meet his German counterpart and explain key lines of action) with his colleagues. objective of revising clause by clause the bill. It is not excluded that the meeting is also an opportunity to discuss relations with Brussels and the response that the Executive is expected to give to the EU before 13 November. Officially, the line does not change: "We do not review anything, 2.4% is that – emphasizes the Prime Minister, speaking of the deficit – it is a maneuver that we have not improvised but we said that it was a ceiling. Being under that bar is not an easy thing to do, but it would certainly be necessary to dilute the main measures, such as the reform of the Fornero law on pensions and the income from citizenship could be one of the solutions. Luigi Di Maio, struggling with the bad mood of his base in recent days for the backtrack on the Tap but also for the measures contained in the law on security, but ensures that the "schedule" is clear: the two measures green yellow government flags will be "subject to the decree immediately after the finance law or before the end of the year".

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