A new sinking of migrants, this time with 114 missing, was reported by UNHCR off the Libyan coast. "Another sad day at sea: today 276 refugees and migrants have been landed in Tripoli, including 16 survivors of a boat carrying 130 people, of which 114 are still missing", reports a tweet from the Libyan section of the United Nations High Commission for Refugees. Even a UNHCR representative, contacted by ANSA, confirms that it is a new shipwreck.
This is another tragedy compared to that of 63 missing reported yesterday by Unhcr himself off the coast of Zuara: two different boats, "confirmed the source of the High Commissioner." We know that the boat left Garabulli a few days ago and that it sank, "said the source, referring to the sinking reported today east of Tripoli.The landing of the survivors took place "at the naval base of Tripoli", Monday in Zuara, he specifies still without being able to specify when the sinking occurred
The Council of Ministers gave the green light to send in Libya, 10 ships for the Coast Guard "With this provision, we are giving birth to partnerships dating back to 2008 and which were renewed last year. The Dicastery that I drive through the Coast Guard port offices puts us on 10 patrol boats, in addition to training the personnel for their use. We are talking about an economic commitment of nearly 1.5 million, compared to a total supply cost of about 2.5 million. This is our fundamental contribution. "Thus the Minister Danilo Toninelli after the Cdm." We are aware that this is not enough and that we must work to stabilize the scenario, strengthen the rule of law and protect the dignity of people on the soil of the nascent Libyan state, that is why we are gradually intensifying cooperation with organizations such as UNHCR. and IOM, present in Tripoli, waiting for Europe to support the phenomenon of migration in solidarity – concludes Toninelli – the Italian government and this ministry are working effectively to eradicate the wrecks of migrants in the middle of the Mediterranean "
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