News that arrives at dignity. More hiring in job centers – Economy


Changes coming to dignity dl. It has been tightened since Tuesday but some deposits are already included in the agreed amendments of the majority. Here are some of them:

Strengthen the workforce of the labor force . This is one of the proposed changes to the decree of dignity agreed between Movimento 5 Stelle and Lega. In the amendment, tabled with the finance and labor committees of the House, it is expected that the regions will have a share of the possible recruitments between 2019 and 2021 precisely to strengthen the employment centers "so – we can read – to guarantee the full operation ". Quotas will be established under a state-region agreement.

Suppression of measures that equate electronic cigarettes with traditional tobaccos eliminating what is known as the "tax on water" and not only the nicotine contained in liquids. e-cig and the halving of the excise duty (from 50% to 25% of the equivalent amount of cigarettes). These are some of the measures envisaged by a Lega-M5S amendment to the Decree of Dignity to "restart – as we read – the Italian market" waiting for EU decisions. The rules on distribution are also examined


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