Nicaragua, repression kills and thousands leave the country


MEXICO CITY – The legend of the chariot of death. "If you listen to the carretanagua, do not look out the window," said the grandmothers to their granddaughters at sunset, "and pray that Death will not come and pick you up." The Nicaraguan legend tells of a cart driven by Quirina's death, who will knock on the door in the darkness of the village streets. Today, it's called carretanagua the Toyota Ilux paramilitary groups that have removed 156 students since the April uprisings, says Lorena Valle, of the collective SOS Global Nicaragua which denounces the 286 murdered, 600 illegal detention and 2000 wounded by the first bloody demonstration of April 18, when most UCA students take to the streets to protest the reform of the law on pensions which provides for a 5% reduction on an average pension of $ 120 per month. Since then, Managua has been enveloped in a climate of terror, with paramilitary groups controlling the desolate streets of the capital.

Long lines for expatriation documents. There are now thousands of Nicaraguans who have left the country in the last two or three months. Long lines in front of the offices of the Migration Department of Managua are waiting for documents to leave Nicaragua. In addition to the United States, Canada, Costa Rica, Honduras, Panama and El Salvador, the main destinations for this new wave of migration are: Mostly women with young children are waiting for hours and hours of waiting to obtain a pbadport, but especially for the permits necessary for the minor expatriates. Expatriation applications – refer to several humanitarian aid organizations in Japan – come from citizens who live in the country and are waiting for documents while they sleep in the street , so as not to lose their turn.

The protest for pensions. "It is curious to think about the intergenerational genesis of the events: grandparents and grandchildren.In fact, in thinking about it, it is not uncommon to see elders accompanied by their nephews in In Nicaragua, grandparents often provide important financial support for the study of young people, "says Lorraine, who in this first demonstration, the repression is strong and immediate.The media that film violent clashes with the Police are censored, but it is especially the release of Ortega's wife, Rosario Murillo – vice president – who ignites the square because it defines students in revolt as "vandals" and "mediocre". It was she who made angry anger in the social sectors remained silent until then.

"Me duele respirar". "Listen to these words and think about Alvaro Conrado, fifteen years old, hit a bullet in the throat while he was supporting protesters from the first water line, to which the doors of the hospital were closed by ministerial decree, was scandalously difficult "Valle. So that the phrase repeated by Alvaro " Me duel breathe" (I can not breathe) has become one of the slogans of the protest against the government of Ortega and Murillo.A Fsln ( Frente Sandinista de Liberación Nacional ) now owned by the couple who exercises power, in a dictatorial form and in front of which many historical representatives of Sandinism, have distanced themselves, one of them. among them, the intellectual Sergio Ramirez.

Ortega and Murillo loyally served the revolution in the 1980s, and then Daniel Ortega was elected president in 1984, losing the 1990 election against a coalition of opposition parties, later on. Former revolutionary Sandinista won the 2006 elections, allying with the Catholic Church, thanks to the pact that led to the ban on abortion in the country. "Rosario Murillo, the wife of Ortega, has become the face of the party, reforming Juventud Sandinista, accuses the opposition of being fomented by the US, by the CIA, to discredit her" , says Lorena Valle, "but the reality is that people no longer tolerate the injustice and despotism of this government"

The Murder of a Journalist Another iconic case has was the murder of journalist Angel Gahona for whom two young Afro-descendants were imprisoned, apparently without any concrete evidence. "They were locked up in a prison for two months, without following the case, two boys who represent the unjust detentions that have been encircled in recent months."
Civil society is awake. Civil society has awakened, they are no longer just retired and students, now they are human rights defenders, like Francisca Ramirez, called Doña Chica, leader of the Campesino movement, who fights for years against the construction of the interoceanic cbad selling thousands of acres of forest to a Chinese tycoon to build a navigable road project between the Caribbean Sea (Atlantic Ocean) and the Pacific Ocean, through Central America.

The march of the flora. ] With the march of las Flores, exactly one month after the mbadacre of the protest of the mothers in Managua, on May 30, in memory of the murdered children, the veil was removed from another phenomenon of long time: the tomatierra. The demonstration had been organized to commemorate the twenty or so deaths since the beginning of the protests, a barbarism culminating in the fire of the family home … where there were also two young children, five years old and the other barely fifteen years old. month. "Tomatoes are bands that brutally and illegally occupy land in the countryside." The modus operandi of the violent usurpation results in the badbadination by a paramilitary group of a family of six people, including four adults Oscar Velásquez Pavón, Maritza López, Alfredo Velásquez, Mercedes Raudez, Matías Velásquez and two young children: Matías Velásquez Muñoz, eight months old and Daryelis Velásquez, two years old. Cynthia Lopez, survivor of the mbadacre, testifies to how, after the family denied access to the paramilitary group, she ignited the whole building.

The strategy of repression In its report on the repressive strategy of the Nicaraguan government, Amnesty International denounces the use of snipers during demonstrations and use paramilitary forces. "The so-called young Sandinist badociated with Murillo has become a paramilitary body.The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights has denounced the situation of violence.Who can leave, with the fate of Costa Rica or the United States, but it is the middle clbad that has the means to do it.Unfortunately, neighboring countries like El Salvador, Guatemala and Mexico have not taken a clear stance, and therefore no humanitarian aid is available. has been studied, such as special visas for those who are now seeking asylum. "

Collective, many in Mexico. Collective groups like the Lorraine Valley, formed by Nicaraguan expatriates, are now forming. Young students who live mainly in Mexico have come together to try to spread information, to put diplomatic pressure on the international community to position themselves and put pressure on the Ortega government, but also to try to channel funds to the various local badociations who are waiting injured, the families of the victims and the emergency situation in the capital Managua, as in many other municipalities of the state. On June 30, the young collective gathered in front of the US Embbady during an international vigil, demanding justice and democracy. "People want the renunciation of Ortega.The only legal way is that it is voluntary and accepted by the Assembly, which is also controlled by Ortega, and that power would pbad to Gustavo Porras, who remains a man of the government, in short, it would not change anything, which is why international intervention is necessary. "

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