Nicaragua, students besieged at the church by Ortega forces: at least 2 dead and dozens wounded


Dozens of university students, priests, doctors, journalists and other civilians are barricaded in a church in Managua, besieged by paramilitary forces in Nicaragua, who fire hours at night and isolate the entire neighborhood. the capital. Recounting the headquarters of the Church of Divine Mercy, during which there were seven wounded and two dead, is the correspondent of Washington Post, Joshua Partlow, who spent a much of the night with the students. His story comes out when the Apostolic Nuncio to Nicaragua, Waldemar Sommertag is engaged in a negotiation to unblock the siege. History is part of the rampant protest against the communist regime of Daniel Ortega, whose resignation is sought.

The people demand the resignation of the red satrap Ortega

At the forefront of the demonstrations, involving different cities, there are students. The University of Managua (Unam) was occupied for two months. Yesterday afternoon, a large caravan of government cars, waving Sandinista flags, crossed the capital. When the cars pbaded in front of the university, clashes erupted between paramilitary militias and students, entrenched behind barricades. For several hours, the Post wrote, there was a shooting. The students had firearms, but they defended themselves mostly with homemade stones, sticks and mortars. At the end of the afternoon, university students were forced to retreat, seeking refuge in the nearby church. "There are snipers in front of us, we can not move – said a wounded boy in the church – a truck arrives and another part. they bring new ammunition. They attack the barricades. "

The Church of Nicaragua is with students

In the evening, the Post writes, paramilitary forces and police blocked the exit of the church, trapping dozens of people, including In the meantime, the street continued to turn, with students trying to defend themselves.For hours, the police did not allow ambulances and aid workers access to the hospital. 39, church From inside the Divine Mercy, the priest Raul Zamora called a radio to ask for the end of the siege, pointing out that now the students left the university. " I do not know why they are attacking us. It's like they wanted to murder all the students. Please, address the conscience of the authorities. They have already left UNAN, why are they attacking us inside the church? Said the priest. As the gunshots approached the church, many students were lying in the dark on the floor of the rooms where Don Zamora lives, to avoid the wandering bullets. Among them, says the reporter, an 18-year-old medical student with a straight femur broken by a shot. At around 10:30 pm, after mediations between the church and the government, ambulances were allowed to evacuate the wounded. Shortly after, the Post writes, the shots are resumed.

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