Nicaragua: ten dead in riots in various places – Latin America


The Nicaraguan Association "Pro Derechos Humanos" (Anpdh) confirmed the death yesterday of ten people, six civilians and four members of the riot police, in the localities of Pueblos Blancos and Masaya. This is reported by the portal & # 39; 100% Noticias & # 39 ;.
In this regard, the executive secretary of the badociation. μlvaro Leiva, fatal victims were reported in Catarina (2), Diriá (2) and Masaya, where two civilians and four policemen died.
Leiva himself said in a statement: "I appeal to the Episcopal Conference, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and the all the other SOS human rights organizations concerning the localities of Monimbó and Masaya which are attacked by combined forces that use large caliber weapons against the citizens. "
For its part, the daily El Nuevo Diario reports that a crowd of pro-government protesters attacked yesterday afternoon the vehicle on which traveled Abelardo Mata Bishop, bishop of the diocese of Estelí and spokesman of the Nicaraguan Episcopal Conference (CEN )
. Bishop Mata, says the newspaper, "was intercepted by a group of people who damaged his vehicle by shouting" killer "," coup d'etat "and" criminal. "The clerk, reported an eyewitness, said: Is a refugee in a house, his condition is good. (ANSA)


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