Niccolò Bettarini, son of Simona Ventura, stabbed: it is serious


The 19-year-old son of Simona Ventura and Stefano Bettarini Niccolò Bettarini was stabbed to Milan . The young man, who is already a little celebrity on Instagram, was hit with nine shots shortly after 5am this morning, after spending the night at disco with friends. Hospitalized is not life threatening. There are four suspects for the attack. Their position is being examined by the Prosecutor and the police.

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The attack may be following a fight in the street at the exit of the Old Fashion nightclub in via Alemagna: as the # 39, says the director of the hall, security cameras have shown that inside the historic Milan nightclub, everything went well throughout the evening. Niccolò Bettarini was admitted to the hospital of Niguarda.

The attackers of Bettarini could be more of one. The boy was rescued from the disco and one of the friends who was with him reported that the attackers who hit Niccolò "were animals". The boy's friends are heard in those hours by the mobile team agents and the steering wheel of the Milan Police Headquarters.

The quarrel that resulted in the injury of Niccolò Bettarini would begin in the old fashion where the son of Simone Ventura would intervene to defend a friend, son of a soldier of the Guardia di Finanza, attacked by a police officer. other young people with whom he had quarreled a few weeks before. Local bouncers reportedly let them out and one of the attackers reportedly threatened with a knife or punch that Nicolò's friend, who had prevented nine shots, had not yet been found, in various parts of his body. The boy was suffering, in particular, from a tendon injury of one hand but his condition did not concern him.

The Friend
"I do not know why the dispute broke out, but they are ferocious against the" Bettà ". . Talking is a boy heard in the police station in the day about the injury of Niccolò Bettarini. "Three of them – he added – seemed to me drugged, they were 30 or 40 years old, I hope they'll be in jail." The attack took place in front of a night kiosk that sold sandwiches a hundred yards from the Old Fashion nightclub.

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