Niccolò Bettarini wounded in Milan disco, four men arrested – Lombardy


Four of them were arrested, almost all with a criminal record, for the badault of Niccolò Bettarini, 19, son of presenter Simona Ventura and former footballer Stefano, stabbed Sunday morning at the exit of the Old Fashion VIP Club in Milan. These are two Italians aged 24 and 29 and as many Albanians aged 23 and 29, accused of attempted homicide. That the solution was in the air was already understood in the daytime: "I recognized them, three of them seemed drugged, they were between 30 and 40 years old, we had blue eyes, I was not too young. hope that they stay in jail "says a friend of Niccolo's" Mobile and Flying Squad officers in the police premises in Milan, waiting for the others on the pavement of Via Fatebenefratelli. He had told them that "they had attacked me with the Betta, I pushed one back." He lost a lot of blood. "Another boy, who had witnessed Bettarini's aggression, added that" they looked like animals. "" Our son Niccolo "was attacked by many. many people trying to defend a friend, fortunately the consequences are not serious, Niccolo "is recovering quickly, a miracle saw the 11 infested blows," wrote Simona Ventura and Stefano Bettarini while the hospital in Niguarda in which Niccolo was admitted "explained that the boy had superficial cuts on the trunk, the abdomen and the upper limb, and after all the necessary investigations, an intervention for the injury was planned (in the coming days) a nerve) related to the upper limb The conditions are not serious, the prognosis is however reserved ". In the meantime, in fact, the intervention. What happened after 5 o'clock yesterday is still a bit confusing because of the contradictory versions with those of Niccolò's friends who would have done all four but it would really be a quarrel triggered for insignificant reasons, amplified by alcohol drunk by the attackers. Roberto Cominardi, owner of Old Fashion, had tried to rebuild: "Niccolo 'was silent in the room, from the picture 33 cameras we did not have anyone arguing with him. " He was talking to an employee until "the time of closing and, since everyone knows him, would have reported if anyone had anything to do with Niccolo". Cominardi said that, still from the cameras, we see the young man leaving the room, looking at people who were fighting and leaving. The same people are going in his direction. The story of Cominardi ends here, because "on the cameras do not go. However, investigations by Commissioner Marcello Cardiona on the scene are ongoing. He was in front of a nightclub of sandwiches and drinks that chaos that was unleashed. Maybe a look too much on someone and the fight started; Bettarini could have intervened to defend a friend, but, points out one of the witnesses, "they are ferocious against him". It was hit with a knife, perhaps a punch that, however, was not found. An ambulance was called and the 19-year-old was transported to the hospital in "yellow" code, then in non-serious conditions, which became "red" (critical condition) upon arrival. After further checks, it was understood that he was not in danger of dying. Throughout the day at the police station, Bettarini's friends were listened to to give precise instructions that led the four detainees to the police station. Many messages of solidarity "to Ventura and Bettarini, but also to Niccolo", aspiring professional footballer and very active on social networks.

Cominardi is sure to be able to say that inside the club no one has approached the son of Simona Ventura and the former footballer Stefano with threatening intentions. "From outside the cameras, we can see that Niccolò misses some people who are fighting," Cominardi continues, "he looks at them and goes away." The same people, shortly after, take their direction in Via Alemagna ". Cominardi can not say if these people were attacking the young man because this area is not covered by the cameras in the room.

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