Nice buys a Polish smart home company for 63 million euros. Oderzo company strategy


  Nice buys a smart home in Poland for 63 million euros. Oderzo company strategy

Strengthen its offer in the design of home automation systems. This is one of the goals that drove Nice, a group based in Treviso headed by Lauro Buoro and involved for 25 years in the automation of private and public buildings and domestic safety, to Acquisition of the Polish company Fibaro: 63 million euros euros. Fibaro is a company that takes care of home automation: in the smart home key has developed its own wireless and modular ecosystem for the home. Nice has acquired all of its capital.

What Fibaro does

Founded in 2010 and based in Poznan, Fibaro reported revenues of about 114 million Polish zlotys (a little over 26 million euros) in 2017 and a market of 100 countries. The company designs and manufactures systems-compatible remote access systems, including Apple, Google Assistant, Amazon, within its factories and research centers. Fibaro products also include multifunction sensors (they monitor the environment inside the premises and detect floods, smoke and the presence of CO), detectors to open and close windows and doors, sirens and cameras as well as thermostatic valves innovations that optimize the temperature of the house.

  Nice buys a Polish smart home company for 63 million euros. The strategy of Oderzo

The headquarters of Nice, Oderzo

"We believe that simplicity is the way to go – said Maciej Fiedler, CEO and founder of Fibar Group – 8 years ago I made the decision to build a really intuitive and functional system, for a welcoming home that is always with you, wherever you are, thanks to applications for smartphones, tablets and PC, to be always informed of what is happening at home and control it. "

Nice occupies itself

Founded in 1993, listed on the stock exchange since 2006, Nice develops solutions ranging from control systems for gates, garages, road barriers , shutters, blinds, blinds with wireless alarm devices based in Oderzo, it has production, distribution and research and development centers in more than 20 countries, with a staff of 1,500 people in 2017 and a consolidated business figure of 3 25 million euros The company acquired a few months ago Abode Systems, an American company specializing in providing smart solutions for home security and integrated home automation.

The Acquisition

"Nice and Fibaro – explains Lauro Buoro, founder and President of Nice – are united by the drive for innovation and digitization, as well as by a shared mission: simplifying the gestures people by providing a simple and extraordinary user experience, in a domestic space with maximum comfort, friendly and safe. "For Maciej Fiedler, CEO and Founder of Fibar Group, the operation" will strengthen our presence by integrating immediately technological and commercial synergies. "

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