Nissan Leaf, misleading values ​​for autonomy and recharging?


The data published on the official website by Nissan regarding the charging times and the time span accessible by the Leaf would not be true and would therefore be considered misleading: many owners of the electric car are the queen of the market by sales number that, according to the BBC, in reality they ended up with refills up to three times longer and autonomies drastically lower. And now, the British Advertising Standards Authority is even considering starting an audit.

Nissan, for its part, has already revised the data reported on the site and admitted that there may be several variables that affect these parameters even in a negative and pejorative manner, but denies that the information provided is to be considered as misleading.

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Especially according to different engines, the Leaf would take up to 2 and a half hours to recharge 80% instead of 40 minutes (later increased to 60 ) as stated by Nissan, while 378 km autonomy with a single charge would be very far from reality .

Apparently, the problem of durability recharging would occur only under certain conditions, in practice during the second quick recharge along the road, through the appropriate high-voltage columns, taking into account that the first recharge was done at home, before leaving. The latter and the first fast recharge would fall within the limits indicated by Nissan, but the second would easily exceed two hours.

For Nissan there would be no problem because the value indicated relates precisely to the realization of a single fast charge per day . "The outside ambient temperature, the type of pipe that was previously held and the temperature reached by the batteries, are all parametric parameters that can affect charging times," said Gareth Dunsmore, Nissan Europe's director of electric vehicles. In all these cases, in fact, the battery could slow down the charging time to preserve its longevity and act as a safety mechanism in case of overheating. "All of this is clearly explained in the car's user manual," added Dunsmore, who also said that sometimes the problem may also depend on the column.

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With regard to Nissan autonomy the 378 km indication was correct with reference to NEDC parameters (New European driving cycle), but now that the reference is the standard WLTP (Harmonized Worldwide Test Procedure for Light Duty Vehicles), autonomy has been revised downward, reaching 270 km . However, Car Car journalists in their tests would have reached only 170 km of autonomy.

And while many orders are canceled, Dunsmore invites disappointed motorists to talk to Nissan instead of complaining about social networks

. communication problem: timing and autonomy are not absolute but depend on the parameters taken into account, but people do not seem to understand (or do not accept). Yet even in the world of combustion-engine cars, the situation is the same. Is it rather a problem of excessive mistrust of technologies that are not yet established?

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