"No harm to honest businesses"


"We have adopted measures that oppose the precariousness of work, we believe that the precarious dimension is a normative and existential dimension that can not be extended unconditionally and that can not be the only measure of relations of work ". This was stated by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte at a press conference the day after the decree of approval of the Dignità Decree

ALSO READ: Maintain fixed-term contracts, the government launches the "decree of dignity ": for dismissals more alto indemnities

" This decree protects honest workers, without damaging honest businesses: those who do not abuse do not have anything to fear . To the businessmen, I say that we would be on your side to reduce the cost of labor, "said Labor Minister Luigi Di Maio

Even if the industrialists did not agree. The Dignità decree is "a very negative sign for the business world" according to Confindustria. He maintains the position that "the result will be less work, not less precarious" and "also worries that it is the companies that pay the price of an endless electoral race. within the majority and that the conditions of division are created. Labor market players, with the risk of republishing the old oppositions. "

" Obviously this government is not in contrast to the business world – says Conte – we will also adopt measures to promote economic growth, we want a healthy alliance with the world of work and spirit of the world. 39, but we want to fight against unjustified initiatives "like those that leave after receiving public aid." 19659007! Function (f, b, c, v, n, t, s)
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