"No to closing the ports"


Commander Gregorio De Falco today Senator of 5 Stars, asks the Movement to "take the initiative" on the issue of immigration. To leave a free hand to Salvini would be, according to a person who rose for the rescue operations of the sinking of Costa Concordia, a serious mistake.

"I'm interested in human lives, not consensus – he says to [19659003] Corriere della Sera – Aggression can make sense if you get results, and if you're dead, it is clear that this is not good. "Falco therefore does not hesitate to distance himself from the hard line of government on immigration and the closure of ports.

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"There is a difference between migration The first is bureaucracy, the second involves humanitarian aid. The problem is the lives of these people We must now understand if in Libya they are capable of managing and coordinating the operations themselves.The Movement must not leave the open field. "[19659002] De Falco aligns with Fico in clear opposition to the 5-star government wing, led by Di Maio and Toninelli, who did not express in those weeks any criticism of the "wall" raised by Salvini (which confirmed yesterday to Pontida the closing of the ports).

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The decision of the Minister of the Interior is "political, not technical". I hope that there will be other diplomatic steps before arriving there. I wonder: there really are these reasons of public order Ask Salvini. "

Gregorio De Falco is the captain of the frigate who in the night of January 13, 2012 called in a colorful way (the famous" Salga a bordo c …! ") To Francesco Schettino not to leave the Costa Concordia is wrecked on the island of Giglio.

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