Obama comes home – Photogallery


First trip to Kenya from the former POTUS of a Barack Obama now completely grizzled. Tomorrow will be in South Africa to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the birth of Nelson Mandela


On his first trip to Kenya by former POTUS (President of the United States ), Barack Obama visited the village D & # 39; where his father, Kogelo, in Siaya County, about 400 km west of the capital Nairobi, and danced on traditional musical notes with his grand -Mother Sarah Onyango Obama. During his trip, Obama met with Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta and opposition leader Raila Odinga

Kenyan television showed footage of an Obama now completely smeared – who is in the African country to support a youth project wanted by half-sister Auma – while he mentions a few dance steps with his grandmother, dressed in a traditional dress. After leaving Kenya, Obama will travel to South Africa tomorrow to deliver a speech on the occasion of the centenary of the birth of former President and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Nelson Mandela.

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