Ok at the Walt Disney-Fox wedding. Murdoch sells his empire for 72 billion


It took nine minutes on one side. And ten minutes from each other to create the world's largest conglomerate of industry
media coverage between The Walt Disney Company and 21st Century Fox. In two separate bedrooms, in the basement of the Hilton Hotel,
Midtown Manhattan, the shareholders of both companies have approved the plan to buy $ 71.3 billion from Disney
of the majority package of the media empire of Rupert Murdoch. Avatar, the X-Men movie series and television series known as
The Simpsons will now be owned by Disney. As well as FX and National Geographic Cable TV, the majority in the platform
Hulu video streaming, which can rely on more than 20 million subscribers. The first agreement between Iger and Murdoch goes back to December
last year. After months of negotiations and maneuvering, Philadelphia cable television giant Comcast presented its offer
for Sky surpbading Disney and also the intentions of Iger – Murdoch 's commitment. Until Iger is back on the attack with
the latest offer of 71.3 billion euros, mixing cash and shares, accepted by the board of directors of Fox and now ratified by the shareholders. Comcast
she has withdrawn. Although now compete in a separate deal with Disney to control Sky, Murdoch's European television.

Both Assemblies
The badembly of Disney's Aizonists, as mentioned, lasted nine minutes. Presents about sixty people. Bob Iger was not there.
A purchase plan has been approved which provides for the equal payment of the monster figure of $ 71.3 billion,
in $ 35.7 billion in cash and 343 million shares of Disney. 99% of those present approved the operation. a
the only dissident voice that was heard when Alan Braveman, Disney's general counsel, opened to shareholder comments. a
The man stood up and whispered, "I think we paid too much. Also the shareholders meeting, in the next room
it's over in ten minutes. Shareholders present approved the transaction. Philip Berman, a long-time shareholder, has
commented everyone: "Rupert's dream has come true". After 60 years at the head of the kingdom of Murdoch eventually move to Disney
it gets even bigger.

The Media Giant
The Walt Disney Company, the American parent company, was already the world's largest media conglomerate with badets in the film industry,
television, publishing, merchandising, theme parks. Check the TV channels of Abc Family, Disney Channel and Espn. the
The studios produce films with the Walt Disney Pictures, Disney Animation and Pixar brands, the company of Steve Jobs, the first to realize
all-digital movie, bought by Disney in 2006 for $ 7.4 billion. In 2009 Disney acquired Marvel for 4.3
billions (Spider-Man movies, Captain America, Ironman), and in 2012 Lucasfilm for 4 billion (Indiana Jones and the saga
of Star Wars)

The last bet of Bob Iger
Since 2005, the group is directed by Bob Iger. With him at the helm, despite the many acquisitions, revenues increased by 31.9
$ 55.7 billion in 2017. Over the same period, market capitalization increased from 48 to over 167
Billion dollars, with an increase in stock value of about 350 percent and increasing profits. The last bet
Iger was to add to the already rich Disney content package, Fox's majority stake in hand
Rupert Murdoch, 87, who controls 21st Century Fox and Sky. Aggregation to counter the rise of Netflix.
Content and distribution now in the media industry go hand in hand. Disney is working on creating his own
Video streaming platform to compete with Netflix, which dominates the US market with nearly 48 million subscribers. with
The last prey of Fox has become even richer. Leading provider and distributor of content worldwide.

The political knot with China
But not everything is defined. After the company agreement, the political-regulatory green light is lacking. Disney has already received the ok of
US Department of Justice to acquire Fox's badets, and is awaiting Federal Communications approval
Commission. For the completion of the deal between Disney and Fox, however, the green light of the authorities is still lacking
EU and Chinese antritrust. The US Department of Justice agreed at the end of June, but he asked
guarantees. In the most turbulent moment of recent history for trade relations with the United States, we risk
Political stop at the Beijing agreement, after the $ 50 billion of tariffs introduced by the Trump administration
on Chinese exports.

The previous Qualcomm-NXP
Yesterday again, the Chinese antitrust no longer led the acquisition of Qualcomm, a US $ 44 billion company,
the world's leading manufacturer of semiconductors for smartphones, by Dutch competitor NXP. "We were trapped in the
commercial warfare network, "said Steven Mollenkopf, CEO of Qualcomm. Secretary of the Treasury, Steven
Mnuchin said that he was "really very disappointed" that Beijing did not give his approval. Considered by badysts
a "cheap" exchange currency after recent concessions made by Washington to Chinese smartphone maker Zte for
enter the US market.

Two years of negotiations on smoking
Negotiations for the maxi-deal between Qualcomm and NXP began in 2016. The air changed at the end of May with the announcement
President Trump's intention to introduce punitive duties on Chinese exports for $ 50 billion. Antitrust authorities
National authorities have the power to open investigations on acquisitions of foreign companies operating in their country.
But they rarely claim them when they relate to operations that take place elsewhere. This at least until the next day. At the time
of globalization. Before the regurgitation of protectionism in recent months. Qualcomm needed Chinese because
the Asian country, now leader in the production of smartphones, accounts for about two thirds of its turnover. Missed maxi-acquisition
The American is the first excellent victim of the aggressive trade policies introduced by the White House. We will have to see
In the coming months, trade relations between the United States and China will evolve. Of course, the high voltage in the Washington-Beijing corridor,
after the previous Qualcomm-NXP represents a very risky element for the future of the Disney-Fox maxi-deal. Time
he will say it.

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