on 10% of transactions, -5% of price in I sem 2018 – idealista / news


The sale and purchase of real estate rose by more than 10% in the first half of 2018, while first-time housing subsidies were up 10.5% in 2017. The latest data from National Council of Notaries, exposed in the new Notary statistics report, which processes data from 98% of notaries in service.

Sales jumped in 2018, prices are still down

According to the findings, 443,337 real estate sales of all types were recorded in the first half of 2018, of which 334,979 were purchased and sold. Which means a + 10.72% compared to last year. The data is accompanied by a continuous price reduction: if already 2017 had recorded a decrease of -17% on the average values ​​of the sales of buildings (from 147 000 to 126 512 euros), such the decline was accentuated over the six-month period by -5% (118.356 euros). It should also be noted the increase of 26.73% transactions worth more than 900 000 €.

Increase in donations and sale of agricultural land

Continue thenincrease in donations: + 10% for movable property and + 4.6% for real estate. The prevalence of donations of productive badets in the North was stable, while in the South, donations of real estate prevailed.

It also grows interest in the sale of agricultural land: 57,284 for an annual growth of 2.83% recorded in the first half of 2018. Purchases were found to be almost entirely concentrated in the price range lower than 100,000 euros.

First rebates on houses: increasing revenues

In terms of taxation, more than 246,539 residential buildings were built. asked the first establishment 177,212: this confirms the tendency that more than half of the residential properties in Italy are purchased for residential purposes. Then, the mode of purchase by private negotiation, which accounted for 90.78% of transactions in the first half of 2018. Only the remaining 9.23% of sales were made through the company.

Focusing on the facilities (especially in the years 2016-2017), the notary found that, from the first payment, the tax office collected a tax of 383,274,036 euros in 2016 to 424,411,523 in 2017, generating a income increase of 10.5%. Despite this, the number of "first home" transactions from 2016 to 2017 decreased by 4.5%. The explanation is probably attributable to a higher cadastral value of properties purchased in 2017 due to the updating of cadastral income.

The cross section of the regions reveals that they have seen an increase in the two years of the sale of the "first house" Campania, with a + 15% and a registered tax increase of + 14.73%, i Market with + 11.09% and an increase of the collected registry tax equal to + 12.16%, and the Val d'Aosta, with + 18.40% and a tax increase of + 23.12%. Only the region to retain the two negative data is Abruzzo with -12.50% and a decrease of the collected registry fee equal to -9.95%.

The houses for which the first home installations were most in demand are the residential buildings, A / 2 (50% of the sample) and economic-type housing, A / 3 (30%), while cottages, A / 7, account for only 10% of the sample.

Concessions for the purchase of small peasant properties

Finally, the impact of facilitation of small peasant property of the total sales of agricultural land was 22.88% in 2016 and 20.84% ​​in 2017. Most facilitated acts of farmers are located in Piedmont, Veneto and Apulia, regions with a strong agricultural tradition . . The age groups most in need of this facilitation are between 36/55 years, although young farmers are not lacking (the 18-35 age group represents 16.88% of the total), as well as the subjects aged 56 to 65 years old. years (18.52%).

For the full report, click here.

To download the reports here https://www.notariato.it/it/news/dati-statistici-notarili-primo-semestre-2018-e-dati-statistici-notarili-2016-2017-focus

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