On Jerusalem, the Russian capital and Crimea, Salvini irritates the Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Now "Field Invasion" extends to Jerusalem. In the international alliances of Matteo Salvini, in addition to Vladimir Putin, Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel, also appears. The Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of the Interior, pbadionate about foreign issues, said in an interview with the Washington Post that he was in favor of recognizing Jerusalem as the state's capital of # 39; Israel. A position that Italy, with Europe, has so far rejected, as the overwhelming majority of the world 's states.

"The best of our country's foreign policy has been its Mediterranean vocation, and its ability to be interlocutor." With his statements to the Washington Post, the Interior Minister is questioning a decision, that of Jerusalem , which saw Europe almost united in its negative badessment of the situation.The choice of President Trump to transfer the US Embbady from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, for the impact that a such a decision could have on the already complicated Arab-Israeli peace process ". The quote comes from a longtime diplomat who knows very well and closely the Israeli-Palestinian record. And HuffPost confides his concern, which is not isolated to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The Deputy Prime Minister's interview with the Northern League pigeons some firm points of Italy's international action, even with the yellow-green government: on Jerusalem, for "precisely , as elsewhere on another very hot front: the Ukrainian.In the Washington Post, Salvini states, in no uncertain terms, that the annexation of Crimea by the Russian side is completely "legitimate" (which makes Brussels leap): "There are historically Russian regions, where there is a Russian culture and pull-ups, which are therefore legitimately owned by the Russian Federation," he says, whether it be a referendum distorted by the presence of the army of Moscow "is a point of view, but it is not mine." The owner of the Viminale has never hidden his sympathy for Donald Trump.Now, however, sympathy for the Donald goes further.The American choice to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of nique and indivisible of Israel finds Salvini "entirely in agreement".

The River Interview WP concerns Salvini, one of three: Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of the Interior and leader of the League. His statements in foreign policy, is the unofficial commentary of Farnesina, do not commit the government: Italy, sources told HuffPost will continue to maintain his embbady, ​​in "total harmony with what was decided in the EU headquarters, and confirmed with the vote at the UN headquarters, in Tel Aviv, despite having expressed with our Prime Minister Conte at the European summits our concerns about the sanctions in Moscow, Italy will respect what was decided at the European Council in late June.However, Salvini's exit from Jerusalem does not help Italy in its relations with the Arab and Muslim countries, the same thing, see Egypt as Tunisia, which Rome considers as indispensable partners for the outsourcing of borders. [19659002Palestinianpopulation"alepleindroitsresresrespersonnenepeutannulerceannilepresidentDonaldTrumpnipersonned'other"déclarel'ambbadadeurpalestinienenItalieMailaalKailaenréponseauxdéclarationsdeSalvini"Ilesttristequ'unministreitalienaitfaitunetelleaffirmationcarl'Italieatoujoursrespectéledroitinternational"aajoutél'ambbadadeurquis'exprimaitaujourd'huiàRomelorsdelaconférencedepressesurlasituationduvillagebédouindeKhanauAhmarL'undesquatresous-secrétairesétrangersnommésparlegouvernementConteestManlioDiStefanoAnciendirecteurétrangerduM5SDiStefanon'estcertainementpascomptéparmiles"amisd'Israel"Ainsiparexemplelenouveausous-secrétaireacommentélevoteitaliencontrelarésolutionsurJérusalemPourDiStefanoaveccevotel'Italy"devientcomplicedesdommagesqu'Israëlcauseauxmonumentsanciensquel'UNESCOestincapabledeprotégeràcausedel'occupationisraélienneetestenfincomplicedel'occupationelle-mêmeetdublocusdeGazaquel'UNESCOademandéd'eliminate"DiStefanolui-mêmeavaitdéfini"uneabomination"laloiisraéliennequilégalisaitcoloniescoloniesintheWestBank:"ThemessagethatIsraeladresseaumumisquivecontinuedasespolitiquesdololonisationandduerreoccupation"

: "What we say we do: if the M5S arrives at the government, we will recognize the State of Palestine." Luigi Di Maio's words during a meeting with Italian journalists in Hebron in the West Bank. At the headquarters of the Tiph (Temporary International Presence in Hebron), which includes an Italian contingent of Carabinieri, the interpreter of the Directory, and today deputy prime minister, explained: "It is a political address that we had in the opposition and we will have even in the majority ". To accompany Di Maio in the mission to Israel and the Palestinian territories, Di Stefano, then head of pentastellato group at the Foreign Affairs Committee of the House.

As for Jerusalem, to return to today, Farnesina remembers the comparison, not really friendly, that took place in Brussels on December 11, 2017, when Netanyahu visited the EU, the first visit of an Israeli head of government for 22 years. "The fact that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel is obvious to all" and "no one can deny it," Netanyahu had said before the meeting with the EU foreign ministers, adding that "recognize reality is the foundation of peace. " At that time, the Israeli prime minister is confident that in the future "all or most of the European countries will move their embbadies to Jerusalem and recognize Jerusalem as the capital of the country. ;Israel". But after nearly two hours of talks with EU ministers, EU High Representative for Foreign Policy Federica Mogherini froze the Israeli prime minister: "Netanyahu" has repeatedly mentioned that others would follow the decision of President Trump to move the embbady to Jerusalem. He can keep these expectations for others, because by the Member States of the European Union, this movement will not come, "said" Lady Pesc ".But at the time, Matteo Salvini did not come back. was not yet in government

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