On the CDP it's a war between the foundations and the government


In dialogues with Giovanni Tria in the last exchanges between majority shareholder and minority shareholder, Giuseppe Guzzetti expresses his "concern" for the stand of Cbada deposits and loans . "Worried" because a colossus of 450 billion dollars like the Cdp has been held for two months. "Preoccupied" because the Cbada can not turn into a mix between the Gepi and the Iri of the second millennium to save the Alitalia and the Ilva . "Concerned", finally, because we risk new ups and downs after the tensions on the nominations .


In the last hours, at the Palazzo Chigi, the battle over the future would have ended Cdp: the morning of July 20 Giuseppe Conte succeeded to put the duellists at the table ( Giancarlo Giorgetti Giovanni Tria and Luigi Di Maio in primis) to release the appointment of Fabrizio Palermo as a new CEO, with the result of blocking the road to Dario Scannapieco . A decision that would disappoint the Northern League, now ready to be offset by the placement of other powers than the yellow-green front has not yet managed to divide: delegations to deputy ministers and under-secretaries economic ministries the general direction of Ministry of the Economy the vice-presidency of Csm the management of the main files on the subsidiaries the guide to chains and tg Rai .

Even 500 meters from the seat of the Council Presidency, in the fort of Acri Giuseppe Guzzetti watched the whole affair with great calmness and concern. Also because he knows full well that the real war against the CDP will unfold in the fall, when the government's front will attempt to alter the status of Goito Street to make it a more activist topic on the French model Caisse des Dépôts and German Kfw .


The Cdp file, of which Acri holds 15.93%, has moved with a lot of cunning. He has publicly warned against the new course. At the last meeting of foundations held last month, he scolded: "We have supported the development that the PDC has experienced in recent years, but if we want further development of the Fund in line with the objective To avoid jeopardizing the economies of the Italians, we are here, but if you want to exceed this limit, the foundations will oppose with all their strength. "So, to be more clear, he also thanked the outgoing summits – the president Claudio Costamagna and the announcement Fabio Gallia – (which is the subject of A survey by the prosecutor) Campobbado) for "having had in recent years as a polar star the limit not to jeopardize the savings of Italians", avoiding to embark on "operations such as Alitalia"

APPROACHES OF M5S [19659003] But privately, the lawyer grew up in the school of the left of Milan DC moved very cautiously. Before elections established good relations with the five-star with the result that all personnel of the Movement (from Davide Casaleggio until ] Luigi Di Maio pbading Stefano Buffagni and Vincenzo Spadafora ) asked him for advice on the management of the Cbada. As a mediator and man of power, he was in good standing with Umberto Bossi, Guzzetti did not make a crease when he was confronted with Giancarlo Giorgetti, with whom the old rusts of the battle were soon buried on the foundation status. Giorgetti himself would have conceived the transformation of the Cbada into an activist bank.


Guzzetti had repeated to Tria that he had no intention, and not only because he was formally incompetent, to want to comment on the appointments CEO and Director General or the distribution of their powers. For him, Palermo and Scannapieco were and remain excellent and reliable managers. Also because they guarantee a very careful management of the Cbada. In addition, not to be raised in the diatribe on the nominations, when it was clear that Costamagna would have left Goito, immediately presented the names that rival the list in common with the Treasury for the renewal of the summits Mbadimo Tononi appointed as future president, Matteo Melley and Alessandra Ruzzu ). As mentioned, just to avoid confusion with political controversy.

The status of Cdp requires that the institution can not invest in a key to revitalize and save in companies, which must have accounts in order to order at least three exercises. For this reason Acri said no to the following hypotheses in these hours of intervention to nationalize or defend the Italian character of Alitalia or Ilva. The theme is taboo in the office Via del Corso: for example, at the board of directors on Wednesday, July 18, the president would have only reported the postponement of the meeting to July 24 to appoint new leaders. Waiting to see the government plans in black and white. This is because "there is the fear that the bank may intervene in the future to keep every caravan on its feet," they say.


In this perspective, although Guzzetti could find a natural ally to Tria, who, as Minister of the Economy and main shareholder, does not want change the scope of the fund to jeopardize high dividends. (1.345.159.412.96 only for FY 2017) that Via Goito guarantees shareholders. It is easy to imagine that the "patron" of Cariplo and the socialist school economist will find themselves united, when the Giorgetti and Di Maio will push to change the status. With Acri, who in extreme cases could also threaten the withdrawal, the release of Cdp.

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