On the increase of contributions to NATO, the allies deny Trump


  As contributions to NATO increased, the Allies denied the praises of the Trump Alliance

and thanked the Allies who had "committed" them for an increase. "Significant" of defense funding. Donald Trump leaves Brussels at the end of the Summit of Heads of State and Government convinced that he ripped from his partners the commitment that the US administration has been demanding for months: more than 39, money for military expenses. However, the commitment that the Allies do not confirm and that is even publicly denied by French President Emmanuel Macron and Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte. And on which also the same Secretary General of NATO, Jens Stoltenberg, confirms that the 29 are in agreement to continue on the way of the agreement of 2014, to ensure 2% of the GDP for the defense from here 2024 Nothing more.

Trump plays from the outset all his media strategy and negotiation on the issue of financing, try to force with the provocative request launched yesterday to reach 4% of GDP, and relaunch today with the rumors circulated of different media that the US president himself threatened to "go it alone" if the allies did not meet his financial demands. Position that Trump denied, confirming that he wants to "stay engaged in the alliance" and sign a final declaration that reaffirms US obligations and commitments to NATO.

  On the increase of contributions to NATO, the allies deny Trump

Angela Merkel and Donald Trump

Sparks between Donald and Angela

"The US commitment is very strong and remains strong – says Trump at the press conference – I believe in NATO ", adds deny contempt with partners, in particular with Angela Merkel. "There was a true spirit of collegiality between us," he says. In reality, Merkel's irritation was there, according to diplomatic sources. So much so that it would be the same Chancellor, already attacked frontally by Trump, to ask the Secretary General of NATO, while the partners were engaged in the debate on Georgia and Ukraine, to convene a restricted meeting to clarify the issue of spending. Trump says he has all his allies and adds that, in response to his requests, the partners have committed to a significant increase. "Yesterday, I told the allies that I'm not happy with what's going on, and they've significantly increased their commitment," he says.

The US president, who has still been called "a very stable genius", claims to have pushed the allies to have increased spending by $ 33 billion over last year and 4 days from face to face with Vladimir Putin in Helsinki adds that "I do not think it will help Russia, today NATO is stronger than two days ago". But the denials of French President Macron and Italian Prime Minister Conté are looming. "There was a statement yesterday and this statement is clear – said Macron – reaffirms that there is a commitment to reach 2% by 2024". Conte acknowledges that the problem raised by Trump is real and that the US commitment is much higher than that of the European partners, but he reiterates that "Italy confirms its spending commitments for NATO: she inherited the expenditure commitments that we have not changed, there will be no additional costs ". "We decided that there would be no other contributions compared to what has already been predetermined for some time," he adds. No commitment even from Angela Merkel, who admits however that "we must ask ourselves the question of what can be done more".

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