"One of the most serious representations of the Italian judicial history"


"One of the most serious deposits of the Italian judicial history" with the male protagonists of the institutions. The Caltanissetta Assize Court which concluded 14 months ago the latest trial on the mbadacre of the Via d 'Amelio does not make any cuts. And in a lengthy 1865-page explanation, filed late Saturday afternoon, he points to the unfaithful servants of the state who hired little criminals, swept into Cosa Nostra's throat, for mislead the perpetrators of the murder of Judge Borsellino.

This would have been an important sentence was understood by the complexity of the device that on April 20, 2017, sentenced to life imprisonment for Salvino Madonia and Vittorio Tutino and 10 years for slander Francesco Andriotta and Calogero Pulci, fake collaborators justice had the habit of setting up a reenactment of the executive phases of the mbadacre that cost the lives of seven innocent people. For Vincenzo Scarantino, the most controversial of the false repentants, protagonist of daring representations over the course of twenty years of trial, the judges declared the prescription granting him the mitigation provided for those who are brought to commit the crime by d & # 39; ;other.

to those "others" that the court refers to in the motivations of the sentence. For those investigators displaced by "a criminal purpose", to whom "exercised deformed powers". The Caltanissetta Assize Court therefore uses harsh words to the address of those who conducted the investigation: it is a group investigating the mbadacres of & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; # 39; 92 led by Arnaldo la Barbera, then a deceased policeman. They should have directed the investigation and force Scarantino to tell a false version of the execution phase of the attack. They would have consisted of "forging a series of forcings, also resulting in unjustified suggestions and the facilitation of an inadequate circularity between the various declarative contributions, all radically different from reality, with the exception of in evidence of a common core of information remained the true source is hidden. "

But what were the goals of one of the most sensational representations of the country's judicial history ? the judges are invited. The court tries to advance hypotheses: as a cover for the presence of hidden sources, "what is highlighted – the magistrates write – the transmission to the false collaborators of justice information foreign to their achievements cognitive and revealed later objectively sensitive to reality "and, I fear it even more," the concealment of the responsibility of the other subjects for the mbadacre, in the context of a convergence of interests between Cosa Nostra and other centers of power that perceived the work of the magistrate as a danger ". [19659002] The magistrates then dedicate part of the motivation to the red agenda of Judge Paolo Borsellino, the newspaper that the magistrate kept in the bag, disappeared from the scene of the attack. The Barbera, according to the Court, had a "fundamental role in the construction of false collaborations with the justice and was also intensely involved in the disappearance of the red agenda, as evidenced by its reaction, characterized by unprecedented aggression, to Lucia Borsellino, engaged in a courageous search for the truth about the death of her father ".

The Barbera is dead, the investigation into the disappearance of the red agenda has been closed, but in Caltanissetta, more strongly after this sentence, we will continue to investigate. Prosecutors Stefano Luciani and Gabriele Paci are not satisfied with the truths that have been judged: thanks to the revelations of the late Gaspare Spatuzza, they reopened the investigation into the mbadacre and discovered the wrong direction. And a new investigation is already at an advanced stage and concerns the police who were part of the pool La Barbera

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