Open arms to Spain, "after the words of Salvini". Also on board the basketball star Marc Gasol – Politics


The Open Arms ship, which yesterday recovered in Libya a woman still alive and the corpses of another woman and a child, is heading to Spain. "Going to an Italian port – the NGO stresses – has many critical factors: the first is that of the Minister of the Interior, Matteo Salvini, who has defined the lies and insults about our reconstruction. ". At the NGO Italy had badigned the port of Catania last night and had offered, like Malta, to evacuate the wounded woman. In addition, adds the NGO, it is "incomprehensible" that the willingness to accommodate the wounded woman "does not come with the same availability for the two corpses found". In addition, the repeated announcement of some sort of counter-investigation or against the likely dynamics of the events that occurred Monday night, raises concerns about the protection of the surviving woman and her complete freedom to testify in conditions of tranquility and security. [19659002] On board the ship "Austra", there is also a Spanish basketball star, Marc Gasol player of the national team and the Memphis Grizzlies of the American NBA. "It is incredible that so many vulnerable people are abandoned to their deaths at sea," the thirty-three-year-old tweeted under tweeted the photo with the red helmet and the lifejacket while lifting the stretcher with Josephine, from the inflatable boat to the Open Arms.

Frustration, anger and helplessness. It's amazing how many vulnerable people are abandoned to their deaths at sea.
A deep admiration for those whom I'm calling my teammates right now @openarms_fund / TR0KnRsrTE

– Marc Gasol (@MarcGasol) July 17, 2018

Libya reportedly let a woman and a child who were aboard an inflatable boat die : c & # 39; is the denunciation of yesterday ] Proactiva Open Arms which posted on Twitter the photos of the two bodies at sea, among the remains of a boat. "The Libyan Coast Guard said it intercepted a boat with 158 people providing medical and humanitarian badistance – wrote the founder of the NGO Oscar Camps – but they did not say that they had left two women and one child on board and that they sank they did not want to ride on the patrol boats ". "Every death is the direct consequence of this policy," accuses Open Arms.

"It is not in our religion, morality and behavior to abandon anyone in the sea. The Libyan Coast Guard personnel came out to save everyone" fb a carrier word of the Libyan Navy, dismissing the accusations of the Spanish NGO. On board the Libyan patrol boat – the spokesman explains – a German journalist witnessed the rescue, producing a report that will be published on the network Rtl N-TV, one of the leading German broadcasters

. When we left, there was no one in the water, we have the videos of rescue, "say in an interview with Messaggero and Mattino, the journalists Nadja Kriewald of the German television N-tv and Emad Matoug, Libyan freelancer, who Monday night witnessed the rescue of the inflatable boat. The episode is central to the charge of the NGO Open Arms, according to which "the Libyans drowned mother and son". "After the call – explains the Libyan journalist – the coast guards have traveled the area for more than an hour to search the inflatable boat." Three women say that they were in harsh conditions, two were resuscitation, the other was worn, once arrived at the port, directly to the hospital. "I know that my words can be exploited – says the German journalist – but what I've seen is that the Libyans have done a good job and have shown such humanity. "

Oim , 1,443 deaths in the Mediterranean in 2018 – A total of 50,872 migrants and refugees arrived in Europe by sea from the beginning of 2018 until 15 July last and 1,443 people died trying to escape. reaching the European coast, said the International Organization for Migration (IOM).) The route from the central Mediterranean to Italy remains the deadliest with 1,104 casualties recorded since the beginning of 2018, almost four times the number of reported drownings on the road to Spain ( 294), although the number of arrivals in both countries

According to IOM data, Spain has overtaken Italy by the number of arrivals in the two countries. arrivals of migrants from the beginning of the year to July 15 : 18,016 landed on the Spanish coast, along the western Mediterranean route, compared to 17,827 arrivals by the central route of Libya to # 39; Italy. In Spain, the emergency does not stop, with more than 892 people saved only weekends off the Andalusian coast.

Frontex, -87% arrived in Italy in June – The number of migrants arriving in Italy in June by the Central Mediterranean route collapsed to 3,000, 87% less than the number of people who arrived in Italy. in June 2017. While for the first time the western Mediterranean route becomes the most active and the number of arrivals in Spain sketched to 6,400, ie 166% more than in June 2017. In general, during the first half of 2018, the number of illegal crossings in the EU (60,430) decreased by almost half compared with the previous year

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