operation against the clans of Lecce, 33 arrests


  Sacra Corona Unita: operation against the Lecce clans, 33 arrests

A rifle operation, called "Labirinto", is ongoing since last night in Salento for the execution of an order of precaution of the prosecution of Lecce anti-mafia against 33 people, among which also affiliated two criminal groups federate clan "Tornese" of Monteroni (LE). Recipients of the measures are the subject of an investigation by mafia badociation, drug trafficking, extortion, carrying illegal weapons and other crimes aggravated by the mafia method

The operation, led by the riflemen of the Ros, stems from investigations by which they were reconstructed the organizational structures of the Salentine fringe of the Sacra Corona Unite, drug trafficking and infiltration attempts of mafia clans in the activities the coast of Gallipoli (LE), with particular reference to the fishing sector and security services in public places. More details on the operation will be announced at a press conference scheduled this morning at the headquarters of the Provincial Command Carabineros of Lecce

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