Operation against the 'Ndrangheta: 38 arrests


The week begins with an operation of the Carabinieri Provincial Command of Reggio Calabria, coordinated by the DDA reggina, for the execution of a detention order against 38 persons accused, for various reasons, of the Mafia badociation, badociation targeting international drug trafficking, attempted homicide, extortion, carrying and possession of weapons, damage and other crimes.


According to investigators, two dangerous thugs of Rosarno `ndrangheta were disarticulated, both doomed to extortion and import tons of pure cocaine from America's South and hashish from Spain and Morocco, destined for sales squares in Lombardy, Piedmont and Sicily. The investigations also revealed the violent confrontation between the two groups, both attempting to impose on the criminal scene of Rosarno and acquiring mafia control of the territory through intimidation, damage and ambushes with firearms and explosives. ( Ansa )

July 9, 2018 (Amendment of July 9, 2018 | 07:34)


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